Formatted output

Author(s): The Ciao Development Team.

The format family of predicates is due to Quintus Prolog. They act as a Prolog interface to the C stdio function printf(), allowing formatted output.

Output is formatted according to an output pattern which can have either a format control sequence or any other character, which will appear verbatim in the output. Control sequences act as place-holders for the actual terms that will be output. Thus

    ?- format("Hello ~q!",world).
will print Hello world!.

If there is only one item to print it may be supplied alone. If there are more they have to be given as a list. If there are none then an empty list should be supplied. There has to be as many items as control characters.

The character ~ introduces a control sequence. To print a ~ verbatim just repeat it:

    ?- format("Hello ~~world!", []).
will result in Hello ~world!.

A format may be spread over several lines. The control sequence \c followed by a LFD will translate to the empty string:

?- format("Hello \c
world!", []).
will result in Hello world!.

Usage and interface

Documentation on exports



Print Arguments onto current output stream according to format Format.

  • The following properties should hold at call time:
    (format:format_control/1)Format is an atom or string describing how the arguments should be formatted. If it is an atom it will be converted into a string with name/2.
Other properties:

  • The following properties hold globally:
    (basic_props:native/2)This predicate is understood natively by CiaoPP as format(C,A).



Print Arguments onto Stream according to format Format.

  • The following properties should hold at call time:
    (stream_basic:stream/1)Stream is an open stream.
    (format:format_control/1)Format is an atom or string describing how the arguments should be formatted. If it is an atom it will be converted into a string with name/2.
Other properties:

  • The following properties hold globally:
    (basic_props:native/2)This predicate is understood natively by CiaoPP as format(S,C,A).



Same as Format, Arguments, String)">format_to_string(Format, Arguments, String) (note the different argument order).

  • The following properties should hold at call time:
    (format:format_control/1)Format is an atom or string describing how the arguments should be formatted. If it is an atom it will be converted into a string with name/2.
  • The following properties should hold upon exit:
    (basic_props:string/1)String is a string (a list of character codes).


Print Arguments onto current string String according to format Format. This predicate is similar to the format/2, but the result is stored in a string.

  • The following properties should hold at call time:
    (format:format_control/1)Format is an atom or string describing how the arguments should be formatted. If it is an atom it will be converted into a string with name/2.
    (basic_props:list/1)Arguments is a list.
  • The following properties should hold upon exit:
    (basic_props:string/1)String is a string (a list of character codes).

The general format of a control sequence is ~NC. The character C determines the type of the control sequence. N is an optional numeric argument. An alternative form of N is *. * implies that the next argument in Arguments should be used as a numeric argument in the control sequence. Example:

?- format("Hello~4cworld!", [0'x]).


?- format("Hello~*cworld!", [4,0'x]).

both produce


The following control sequences are available.

  • ~a The argument is an atom. The atom is printed without quoting.

  • ~Nc (Print character.) The argument is a number that will be interpreted as an ASCII code. N defaults to one and is interpreted as the number of times to print the character.

  • ~Ne
  • ~NE
  • ~Nf
  • ~Ng
  • ~NG (Print float). The argument is a float. The float and N will be passed to the C printf() function as

    printf("%.Ne", Arg)
    printf("%.NE", Arg)
    printf("%.Nf", Arg)
    printf("%.Ng", Arg)
    printf("%.NG", Arg)
    If N is not supplied the action defaults to

    printf("%e", Arg)
    printf("%E", Arg)
    printf("%f", Arg)
    printf("%g", Arg)
    printf("%G", Arg)
  • ~Nd (Print decimal.) The argument is an integer. N is interpreted as the number of digits after the decimal point. If N is 0 or missing, no decimal point will be printed. Example:

    ?- format("Hello ~1d world!", [42]).
    ?- format("Hello ~d world!", [42]).

    will print as

    Hello 4.2 world!
    Hello 42 world!


  • ~ND (Print decimal.) The argument is an integer. Identical to ~Nd except that , will separate groups of three digits to the left of the decimal point. Example:

    ?- format("Hello ~1D world!", [12345]).

    will print as

    Hello 1,234.5 world!

  • ~Nr (Print radix.) The argument is an integer. N is interpreted as a radix. N should be >= 2 and <= 36. If N is missing the radix defaults to 8. The letters a-z will denote digits larger than 9. Example:

    ?- format("Hello ~2r world!", [15]).
    ?- format("Hello ~16r world!", [15]).

    will print as

    Hello 1111 world!
    Hello f world!


  • ~NR (Print radix.) The argument is an integer. Identical to ~Nr except that the letters A-Z will denote digits larger than 9. Example:

    ?- format("Hello ~16R world!", [15]).

    will print as

    Hello F world!

  • ~Ns (Print string.) The argument is a list of ASCII codes. Exactly N characters will be printed. N defaults to the length of the string. Example:

    ?- format("Hello ~4s ~4s!", ["new","world"]).
    ?- format("Hello ~s world!", ["new"]).

    will print as

    Hello new  worl!
    Hello new world!


  • ~i (Ignore argument.) The argument may be of any type. The argument will be ignored. Example:

    ?- format("Hello ~i~s world!", ["old","new"]).

    will print as

    Hello new world!

  • ~k (Print canonical.) The argument may be of any type. The argument will be passed to write_canonical/2 (Term output). Example:

    ?- format("Hello ~k world!", [[a,b,c]]).

    will print as

    Hello .(a,.(b,.(c,[]))) world!

  • ~p (print.) The argument may be of any type. The argument will be passed to print/2 (Term output). Example:

    suposing the user has defined the predicate

    :- multifile portray/1.
    portray([X|Y]) :- print(cons(X,Y)).


    ?- format("Hello ~p world!", [[a,b,c]]).

    will print as

    Hello cons(a,cons(b,cons(c,[]))) world!

  • ~q (Print quoted.) The argument may be of any type. The argument will be passed to writeq/2 (Term output). Example:

    ?- format("Hello ~q world!", [['A','B']]).

    will print as

    Hello ['A','B'] world!

  • ~w (write.) The argument may be of any type. The argument will be passed to write/2 (Term output). Example:

    ?- format("Hello ~w world!", [['A','B']]).

    will print as

    Hello [A,B] world!

  • ~Nn (Print newline.) Print N newlines. N defaults to 1. Example:

    ?- format("Hello ~n world!", []).

    will print as


  • ~N (Fresh line.) Print a newline, if not already at the beginning of a line.

  • ~~ (Print tilde.) Prints ~

The following control sequences are also available for compatibility, but do not perform any useful functions.

  • ~N| (Set tab.) Set a tab stop at position N, where N defaults to the current position, and advance the current position there.

  • ~N+ (Advance tab.) Set a tab stop at N positions past the current position, where N defaults to 8, and advance the current position there.

  • ~Nt (Set fill character.) Set the fill character to be used in the next position movement to N, where N defaults to SPC.


C is an atom or string describing how the arguments should be formatted. If it is an atom it will be converted into a string with name/2.

  • The following properties should hold globally:
    (doc_props:doc_incomplete/1)Documentation is still incomplete: format_control(C) may not conform the functionality documented.

Documentation on imports

This module has the following direct dependencies: