
Ciao is a Prolog system that includes many advanced features and extensions. As introductory material we recommend the following resources:

Reference Manuals

The following are the reference manuals for the main Ciao components:

  • ciao: compiler, toplevel/debugger, core libraries, extensions, etc.
  • ciao_builder: build system.
  • lpdoc: documentation generator.
  • ciaopp: analysis, verification, (static) debugging, and optimization.
  • ciaodbg: testing, profiling, and (dynamic) embedded debugging.
  • ciao_playground: the Ciao playground
You can browse the available bundles and their manuals in the bundle catalog.

Some Tutorials and Presentations

Forums and mailing lists

The following forums and mailing lists are available:


The Ciao System incorporates decades of results in programming languages research. See our list of publications available on-line and their references.