Conj is the conjunction made up of the elements of List plus a final element End.
?- list_to_conj(A, a). A = [a] ? ; no ?- list_to_conj(A, (a,V,b)). A = [a,V,b] ? ; no ?- list_to_conj([A], B). B = A ? ; no ?- list_to_conj([a,A,b], B). B = (a,A,b) ? ; no ?- list_to_conj([], B). B = true ? ; no
Usage 1:list_to_conj(A,B)
Conj is the conjunction made up of the elements of List. The empty list is ([]) is true).
Usage 2:list_to_conj(A,B)
List is the list made up of the elements of conjunction Conj (true is []).
?- list_to_disj([a], A). A = a ? ; no ?- list_to_disj([a,B,b], A). A = (a;B;b) ? ; no ?- list_to_disj(A, (a)). A = [a] ? ; no ?- list_to_disj(A, (a;B;b)). A = [a,B,b] ? ; no ?-
Usage 1:list_to_disj(A,B)
Disj is the disjunction made up of the elements of List. ([] is false).
Usage 2:list_to_disj(A,B)
List is the list made up of the elements of disjunction Disj (true is []).
Usage 1:asbody_to_conj(A,B)
Transforms assertion body A into a conjuntion (B). It runs in both ways
Usage 2:asbody_to_conj(A,B)
The usual prolog way of writing conjuntions and disjuntions in a body using ',' and ';'