The rtchecks package enables run-time checks of predicate and program-point assertions. The program is instrumented to capture violation of assertions at run time.
For a given predicate, the main uses of run-time assertion checking are:
As described in "The Ciao assertion language" and "Types and properties related to assertions", Ciao assertions can be used to provide predicate specifications, and in particular, which properties should hold on predicate calls and successes. There can be several assertions for one predicate, e.g., in order to specify several possible calls and success patterns.
Usually they are provided before the predicate definition in the source code:
% calculating length (as number of elements) N of a list L :- pred len(L,N) : list(L) => num(N) # "A1". :- pred len(L,N) : (nnegint(N), var(L)) => list(L)# "A2". len([],0). len([_|T],N) :- len(T,M), N is M + 1.The specification (assertions A1 and A2) for the len/2 predicate enumerates two possible ways for this predicate to be called:
If no assertion status is specified explicitly, it is assumed that an assertion has a status check. By default, all assertions for a predicate with the check status are turned into run-time checks (see Controlling assertion checking levels).
There are several cases in which a run-time check may fail:
Below we illustrate each of the cases mentioned above.
Case 1: suppose that we call len/2 with the wrong arguments, run-time checks will detect it and report this message:
?- len(a,z). {In ERROR: (lns 16-17) Run-time check failure in assertion for: foo:len(L,N). In *calls*, unsatisfied property: list(L). Because: ['L'=a]. ERROR: (lns 18-21) Failed in foo:len(L,N). } {In ERROR: (lns 17-18) Run-time check failure in assertion for: foo:len(L,N). In *calls*, unsatisfied property: nnegint(N). Because: ['N'=z]. ERROR: (lns 18-21) Failed in foo:len(L,N). }Note how run-time checks report the first violated property: in the two error messages here for two pred assertions only one property violation is mentioned in each, although the var(L) from A2 is clearly violated too.
However, this situation might also occur when the initial call is made with the acceptable arguments, but the computation is performed in a way that is not compatible with the specification:
?- len(L,1). {In ERROR: (lns 16-17) Run-time check failure in assertion for: foo:len(L,N). In *calls*, unsatisfied property: list(L). Because: ['L'=L]. ERROR: (lns 18-21) Failed in foo:len(L,N). ERROR: (lns 18-21) Failed during invocation of len(_,_) } {In ERROR: (lns 17-18) Run-time check failure in assertion for: foo:len(L,N). In *calls*, unsatisfied property: nnegint(N). Because: ['N'=N]. ERROR: (lns 18-21) Failed in foo:len(L,N). ERROR: (lns 18-21) Failed during invocation of len(_,_) }Notice, how in the recursive clause of the len/2 the unification for M happens after the evaluation of len(T,M) goal (due to the system-default left-to-right goal sequence reduction).
In this case we can re-write the len/2 predicate, making it left-recursive and fully complying with its specification:
len([],0). len([_|T],N) :- M is N - 1, len(T,M).Case 2.1: imagine that incidentally a bug was introduced in the first clause of len/2:
len(_,0). len([_|T],N) :- M is N - 1, len(T,M).Run-time checks will detect that now len/2 constructs not null-terminating lists:
?- len(L,1). {In ERROR: (lns 17-18) Run-time check failure in assertion for: foo:len(L,N). In *success*, unsatisfied property: list(L). ERROR: (lns 18-21) Failed in foo:len(L,N). ERROR: (lns 18-21) Failed during invocation of len(_,_) } {In ERROR: (lns 17-18) Run-time check failure in assertion for: foo:len(L,N). In *success*, unsatisfied property: list(L). Because: ['L'=[_|_]]. ERROR: (lns 18-21) Failed in foo:len(L,N). }Case 2.2: suppose the specification for len/2 instead of A2 contains A2_too_strict, which requires that on success L must be a list of integers, not just any terms.
:- pred len(L,N) : (nnegint(N), var(L)) => list(int,L). % A2_too_strictRun-time checks will detect a failure of such assertion:
?- len(L,1). {In ERROR: (lns 17-19) Run-time check failure in assertion for: foo:len(L,N). In *success*, unsatisfied property: list(int,L). Because: ['L'=[_]]. ERROR: (lns 19-21) Failed in foo:len(L,N). }
Note on performance: run-time checks usually affect the complexity of the program, which results in noticeable run-time overhead. Consider a simplified specification of the len/2 predicate:
:- pred len(L,N) : list(L) => num(N). len([],0). len([_|T],N) :- M is N - 1, length(T,M).Checking that the first argument of the len/2 predicate is a list at each recursive step turns the standard O(n) algorithm into O(n^2) one.
The rtchecks package supports several assertion checking levels for different scenarios, which allow controlling the trade-offs between the number of run-time checks (overhead) and the respective code behavior guarantees (safety).
The run-time checking level can be configured using prolog flags. Below we itemize the valid prolog flags with its values and a brief explanation of the meaning:
The run-time check instrumentation can use custom property checks implementations. This is useful when defining native properties (without a clause-based definition supported by the default instrumentation) or when the generic run-time checks are not efficient enough. The custom implementation can be used specifically in run-time checks, while keeping a declarative version (which might be easier to read or is better understood by some static analyzer).
To provide the custom property implementation for run-time checking it is recommended to edit two files (suppose the original property is defined in a module
After these edits the rtchecks library needs to be rebuilt.
For an example of a system library that uses this feature see the assertions/native_props library.
Example of a module using run-time checks on one of the default checking levels:
:- module(ex_levels,[test/0,foo/2],[assertions,regtypes]). :- use_module(engine(io_basic), [display/1,nl/0]). :- use_package(library(rtchecks_opt/opt_rt_unsafe)). % no checks % :- use_package(library(rtchecks_opt/opt_rt_client_safe)). % interface % :- use_package(library(rtchecks_opt/opt_rt_safe_rt)). % all (interface + internal) test :- foo(1,X), bar(X,Y), display(Y), nl. :- pred foo(A,B) : int(A) => atm(B) # "A1". foo(1,a). :- pred bar(C,D) : atm(C) => atm(D) # "A2". bar(a,z).On the unsafe checking level no assertions will be checked, on the client_safe only A1 will be checked, and on safe_rt both A1 and A2 will be checked.
As an optimization for the safe_rt assertion checking level, a variant of it, safe_ctrt level, is available:
It is also available through the rtchecks_opt package:
:- use_package(library(rtchecks_opt/opt_rt_safe_ctrt)). % all + static analysisIf the ex_levels module from the example above was compiled on this checking level, the analysis would be able to prove A2 to always hold, as well as the success part of A1, thus leaving only the calls part of A1 for run-time checking:
%% %% :- check pred foo(A,B) %% %% : int(A) %% %% => atm(B). :- check calls foo(A,B) : int(A). :- true success foo(A,B) : int(A) => atm(B). %% %% :- check pred bar(C,D) %% %% : atm(C) %% %% => atm(D). :- true success bar(C,D) : atm(C) => atm(D). :- checked calls bar(C,D) : atm(C).More details are available from the related publication [SMH18b].
Shallow run-time checking is an optimization of run-time checks of regular types in predicate calls across module boundaries in presence of hidden functors (via :- hide declaration of the termhide package). It can significantly reduce the run-time checking overhead, especially in the cases where run-time checks change complexity of predicate execution. More details are available from the related publication [SMH18a].
:- module(MOD, _, [assertions,termhide,rtchecks_shallow]).
:- module(bintrees,[root/2],[assertions,regtypes,nativeprops]). %:- use_package(library(rtchecks_opt/shallow_rt_unsafe)). % no checks :- use_package(library(rtchecks_opt/shallow_rt_client_safe)). % interface %:- use_package(library(rtchecks_opt/shallow_rt_safe_rt)). % all (interface + internal) %:- use_package(library(rtchecks_opt/shallow_rt_safe_ctrt)). % all + static analysis :- hide(empty/0). :- hide(tree/3). :- regtype val_t/1. val_t(X) :- int(X). :- regtype tree/1. tree(empty). tree(tree(LC,X,RC)) :- tree(LC),val_t(X),tree(RC). :- pred root/2 : tree * term => tree * val_t. root(tree(_,X,_),X).Here, the precondition checks for the root/1 predicate change its complexity from constant to linear in the size of the input argument, as the checking code will need to traverse the input tree term to verify that it is a well-formed tree.
In presence of hidden functor terms, however, it might be possible to infer data shapes produced by the module, and simplify run-time checks w.r.t. this information.
:- regtype 'tree$shallow'/1. 'tree$shallow'(empty). 'tree$shallow'(tree(LC,X,RC)) :- term(LC),term(X),term(RC).
?- use_module(library(compiler)). Note: module compiler already in executable, just made visible yes ?- make_wam(MODULE).
The resulting shallow regular types for the bintrees module from the example above will look like this:
clause('bintrees:tree$shallow/1/1', [ifshallow ,neck(1) ,else ,endif ,get_constant_x0('bintrees:empty') ,proceed]). clause('bintrees:tree$shallow/1/2', [ifshallow ,neck(1) ,else ,endif ,get_structure_x0(/('bintrees:tree',3)) ,unify_x_variable(0) ,allocate ,unify_y_variable(1) ,unify_y_variable(0) ,init([]) ,call(/('basic_props:term',1),2) ,put_y_value(1,0) ,call(/('basic_props:term',1),1) ,put_y_value(0,0) ,deallocate ,execute(/('basic_props:term',1))]).
:- module(..., ..., [...,assertions,rtchecks_cached]).
More details are available from the related publication [SMH15].
Example of use:
:- module(amqueue,[enqueue/3],[assertions,regtypes,rtchecks_cached]). :- def_impl(var/1,fast_var/2). :- def_impl(term/1,fast_term/2). :- def_impl(pair_list/1,fast_listpair_cached/2). :- pred enqueue/3 : pair_list * term * var => pair_list * term * pair_list. enqueue((Ins,Del),Elem,([Elem|Ins],Del)). :- regtype pair_list/1. pair_list((X,Y)) :- list(X), list(Y).The def_impl/2 declaration is needed at the moment to relate the regtype definitions in the source code and the corresponding checks with caching.
See testsuite/rtchecks_cached/ for examples and benchmarks.
The run-time check instrumentation of a program transforms it as follows:
Schematically, the run-time checks instrumentation looks as follows:
% original program source :- pred P : Pre1 => Post1. ... :- pred P : PreN => PostN. P :- Body.
% instrumented program source P :- checkC(Pre1;...;PreN), Pnew, checkS(Pre1,Post1),...,checkS(PreN,PostN). Pnew :- Body.where: