Git Workflow

Author(s): The Ciao Development Team.

General Advice

Q: How to undo the modifications I made on one file?

Sometimes one may want to reverse the modifications done on one file. This may appear because the conflict on this file has been marked as solved (e.g., one only resolves with mergetool some of the conflicts in a file and then git assumes that all conflicts have been solved) or that the assumptions made to solve the conflicts were wrong.

The command to revert the change made in a file <file> when resolving conflict is:

$ git checkout -- <filepath>

Q: What is an automatic merge commit and how to avoid those?

Automatic merge commits mess up with the changes history. Assume that while you were working on some feature in a separate branch, someone pushed a number of commits into the master and currently the repo looks like:

1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4  -> 5 -> 6
           `-> 4b -> 5b
After a git pull you will have all commits in your repo, and in such case git usually creates an automatic merge that creates a new commit, such that 6->7 and 5b->7 (two parents).

1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4  -> 5 -> 6 -> 7
          \                   /
           `-> 4b -> 5b -----`
Whereas with git pull --rebase the merge commits could be avoided and the commit history would loks like:

1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4  -> 5 -> 6         HEAD
                          \          |
                           `-> 4b -> 5b

Merging Branches Manually

This section describes some useful tips when merging branches in git.

Q: How can I reduce the number of merge conflicts? How can I ease future merges?

There is no magic. To avoid conlicts, reduce conflict zone size and ease conflict resolution one has to make their code easy to merge, even if it works in master. To do so one should keep in mind that merge process works line by line (i.e. a line that has diverged in both branches is considered as conflict).

As merging branches is always more complicated than expected, consider again if a branch mybranch is really needed (e.g., if it can be replaced or combined with conditional compilation in C and Prolog to minimize the conflicts).

Q: How do I merge two branches?

To merge into a branch, your HEAD should be at the branch you want to merge into. If you want to merge into master a branch of yours with a lot of changes, you should first merge master into your branch (resolve the potential conflicts) and then merge your branch in master (it should have no conflict). When merging you should have no uncommitted modifications in your HEAD, in general the cleaner your HEAD is the smoother the merge will be.

E.g. To merge master into <mybranch> run:

$ get checkout <mybranch>
$ get merge master

Q: How to abort an uncommitted merge?

$ git reset --hard HEAD

Q: What is the best tool to resolve merge conflict?

When resolving conflicts it is highly recommended to use a tool that can show simultaneously all the different versions of the files involved in the merge:

  • The older common ancestor (identified by BASE)
  • The file in your HEAD before the merge (identified by LOCAL)
  • The file in the other branch (identified by REMOTE)
  • The file resulting from the merging the two branches (identified by the fact that it has the unmodified filename)
Some Ciao developers recommend meld (which is available in most Linux distributions and can be installed using macports or homebrew in macOS).

To configure git to use meld for resolving conflicts add the following in your .gitconfig:

tool = mymeld
[mergetool "mymeld"]
cmd = meld --diff $BASE $LOCAL --diff $BASE $REMOTE --diff $LOCAL $MERGED $REMOTE
Then, to resolve all the conflicts with meld just run:

$ git mergetool
You get a window with a lot of tabs.

  • The two first tabs allow you to have a view of the history of the file. They show the pair LOCAL-BASE and the pair REMOTE-BASE. This allows you to view how the file evaluated in the two branches.
  • The third tab is the most important one. It shows the result of the merge (in the center) together with the LOCAL and the REMOTE in left and the right hand side. You have to modified (and finally save) the result of the merge (in the center column) of the third tabs. For simple conflict, it should be enough to consider the third tab only, but for complex conflict it is often necessary to go to the historic tabs (the two first ones) to understand really how the file diverges in the two branch and how it should be fix.
Warning: once you have save the file and quit meld, git considers the conflict has been resolved in this files, even if there is still mark in conflict in the head.

Q: What do I do after resolving a merge conflict?

Before committing your merge (even if there is no conflict), you should verify that everything is going well. You should compile the project from scratch. For instance, one library/predicate used by specific code of your branch may have changed name/location in the master. Also run the tests.

If you do something else that just resolving syntactical conflicts, write details about those changes in the merge commit message.

Q: How do I rebase locally before a merge?

branch is the branch to be rebased and target is the target branch (usually master).

Warning: This process rewrites history, so do not run it unless you are sure no one else is using your branch and there are no branches starting at your branch. git fetch origin target; git merge origin/target is a less preferred alternative to this process.

  1. Make sure the current branch corresponds to the branch you want to rebase: git checkout branch.
  2. Fetch upstream changes: git fetch origin target.
  3. As we squash commits on merge anyway, we can do so when rebasing onto target too to reduce the number of conflicts to handle: git rebase --autostash -i origin/target (pick first and fixup rest).
  4. In order to allow the repository administrators to modify the commit message in GitLab, add an empty commit to the branch: git commit --allow-empty.
  5. Push changes: git push -v --force-with-lease origin branch