Producing new releases

Author(s): The Ciao Development Team.

Depending on the number changes, it may be necessary to raise the version number (see GlobalVersion, GlobalPath, version/1 at, etc.).

Given an odd minor number version of the system (e.g., development v1.1), the release plan consists on selecting some new features, test and fix the system as required, compose a changelog, increment the version to an even number (e.g., stable v1.2), save this point in the source history, and increment again the version number to an odd number (e.g., development v1.3).

This is detailed as follows:

  • Identify the new features and important changes for the new release (the changelog). This usually means going through the Git log and grouping all the changes in a way similar to what appears in core/doc/ for previous versions.
  • Iterate through: test existing, new, and improved features; check that installation from source (both local and global installs, in all supported platforms) work; check that distributions work; fix bugs if needed, or postpone/drop new features.
  • When in a satisfactory state, add an updated changelog to core/doc/ and increment the version number. Commit and push the changes.
  • Tag the commit (omit COMMIT_ID to use HEAD):
    git tag -a vMajor.Minor.Patch COMMIT_ID -m 'Version jumped to Major.Minor.Patch'
    git push origin vMajor.Minor.Patch
  • Make sure that distributions are up-to-date, update the website, brochure, and announce the release to ciao-users mailing list.
  • Increment the version number again to an odd number for the new development version.