- Version 1.23 (2024/3/4)
- Add debugger support.
- Menu buttons for analysis (w/ and w/o output).
- A simple on-the-fly button under the More menu.
- Towards relocatable URL for playgrounds. The auxiliary lpdoc.js loaded in HTML backend of LPdoc is extended to automatically load the playground when needed. It will attept several locations: local URL, and then Note that due to CORS limitations, serving from file:/// is not fully working.
- Build and distribute ciaopp library cache.
- More flexible installation of custom playgrounds.
- Updated documentation.
- Upgraded to Monaco Editor 0.38.
- Recolor port in toplevel while debugging.
- Patterns for warning/error parsing.
- Use ?code= in URL for "load in playground" links from active logic documents.
- Fixed error location from CiaoPP.
- Workaround new addCommand behavior in Monaco >=0.32 ()
- Hide previous analysis output in acheck.
- Allow CORS in local server.
- Fix syntax highlight for =:=.
- Trim results of exfilter (in active logic documents).
- Version 1.22 (2023/4/27)
- User's manual (including use of LPdoc and exfilter, examples with links to playground in LaTeX, etc.)
- No need to use the "triple backtick with spaces" trick.
- Fix bug when asking for more solutions and not typing ; nor just Enter.
- Fixed bug with the file name when downloading the code from the playground.
- stop if emcc is not found.
- Fix code sharing links (encodeURIComponent, ?code=... instead of URL hash)
- Update all examples to new playground links.
- Appearance:
- Change layout when the screen is too small for two columns.
- Align the top and bottom buttons, fixed the cropped logo, cursor hovering over buttons.
- Rearrange UI: removed error container, moved Load into toplevel button to the top and added an Abort query button.
- Added beta symbol to title.
- Slightly better code highlight in playground preview.
- Highlight analysis results and messages (for exfilter).
- Interaction:
- Add classic predicates to toplevel when loading.
- Notify when the toplevel is ready to use (all dependencies have been loaded).
- Add the abort query functionality (with button and C-c): terminate current worker and restart it.
- Display Abort button only when a query is running.
- Add timeout for queries.
- Redirected error messages to the toplevel.
- Add "Run tests in module" and "Debug source" buttons and functionalities.
- On-the-fly button
- Editing:
- Add the Emacs key binding C-c l to load buffer into toplevel.
- Add ability to resize the editors with a split panel (just like in the CiaoPP Playground).
- Version 0.0#1 (2022/7/4)
- Initial release.