Program Analysis (PLAI)

Stability: [devel] Currently the subject of active development and/or research. Functionality may be limited and API and/or functionality may change without warning or deprecation period. Not recommended yet for use in production.

Documentation on exports


Performs the analysis of the clauses in Cls (dictionaries of variables in Ds) with fixpoint algorithm Fixp and analysis domain AbsInt. The analysis results are left in a permanent database (see plai_db). Info is a list of properties and informations. One possible value is [time(Total,[(subtask1,T1),...,(subtaskN,TN)])].


Cleanups the database of analysis of all permanent information regarding abstract domain AbsInt.


Performs the analysis of the clauses in Cls (dictionaries of variables in Ds) with fixpoint algorithm Fixp and analysis domain AbsInt. The analysis results are left in a permanent database (see plai_db).

The analysis uses the entry information provided by the entry policy selected in entry_policy preprocessing flag.

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No further documentation available for this predicate.

No further documentation available for this predicate.

No further documentation available for this predicate.

No further documentation available for this predicate.

No further documentation available for this predicate.

No further documentation available for this predicate.

No further documentation available for this predicate.