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Crossed-references of a program

Author(s): Francisco Bueno.

Version: 1.11#222 (2004/5/24, 13:8:7 CEST)

Version of last change: 1.11#135 (2003/12/30, 23:50:8 CET)

The xrefs crossed-references Ciao library includes several modules which allow displaying crossed-references of the code in a program. Crossed-references identify modules which import code from other modules, or files (be them modules or not) which use code in other files. Crossed-references can be obtained as a term representing a graph, displayed graphically (using daVinci, a graph displayer developed by U. of Bremen, Germany), or printed as a list.

The libraries involved are as follows:

The first two are intended to be used by loading in ciaosh. The other three are intended to be used as modules within an application.

The following is an example graph of the library modules involved in the crossed-references application. It has been obtained with:

[ciao/etc]> ciaosh
Ciao-Prolog 1.5 #24: Tue Dec 28 14:12:11 CET 1999
?- use_module(xmrefs).

?- set_flag(X).

X = 3 ? 

?- set_files([xfrefs, xmrefs,

?- xmrefs.

so that it is displayed by daVinci as:


The following is an example graph of the same module files, where crossed-references have been obtained with xfrefs:xfrefs(whodefs) instead of xmrefs:xmrefs:


For more information refer to the xrefs documentation (xrefs_doc.dvi) in the source library of the Ciao distribution.

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