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Specific Structures


Most of the names of the structures listed here have been fashioned after their LaTeX[6] equivalent. New structures can be defined by means of the html_expansion/2 predicate. Note that these structures take priority over the above ones.

Used at the beginning of a document (translates to <html>).

Used at the end of a document (translates to </html>).

Produces a horizontal rule (translates to <hr>).

Produces a line break (translates to <br>).
Produces a paragraph break (translates to <p>).

Used to insert an HTML comment (translates to<!- Comment ->).

Used to give a title to a document (translates to a <title> environment).

Used to include an image of address (URL) Addr (translates to an <img> element).

Idem with the list of attributes Atts.

Produces a hypertext link, Addr is the URL of the referenced resource, Text is the text of the reference (translates to <a href="Addr">Text</a>).

Labels Text as a target destination with label Label (translates to <a name="Label">Text</a>).

Produces a heading of level N (1 <= N <= 6), Text is the text to be used as heading (translates to a <hN> environment).

Produces a list of bulleted items, Items is a list of corresponding HTML terms (translates to a <ul> environment).

Same as above, but uses nicer bullets. The bullet used can be changed through the predicate icon_address/2. (See the source file for details.)

Produces a list of numbered items, Items is a list of corresponding HTML terms (translates to an <ol> environment).

Produces a list of defined items, Defs is a list whose elements are definitions, each of them being a Prolog sequence (composed by ','/2 operators). The last element of the sequence is the definition, the other (if any) are the defined terms (translates to an <dl> environment). The example files should clarify this point.

Used to include preformatted text, Text is a list of HTML terms, each element of the list being a line of the resulting document (translates to a <pre> environment).

Used to include text verbatim, special HTML characters (<,>,&,") are translated into its quoted HTML equivalent.

Used to include a newline in the HTML source (just to improve human readability).

It translates to the start of an HTML environment of name Tag and attributes Atts. There exists also a begin(Tag) structure. Useful, in conjunction with the next structure, when including in a document output generated by an existing piece of code (e.g. Tag = pre). Its use is otherwise discouraged.

Translates to the end of an HTML environment of name Tag.

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Mon Mar 18 21:38:39 MET 1996 <>