This module implements the assert/retract family of predicates to manipulate data predicates (facts).
Fact is added to the corresponding data predicate. The fact becomes the first clause of the predicate concerned.
Same as asserta_fact/1, instantiating Ref to a unique identifier of the asserted fact.
Fact is added to the corresponding data predicate. The fact becomes the last clause of the predicate concerned.
Same as assertz_fact/1, instantiating Ref to a unique identifier of the asserted fact.
Gives on backtracking all the facts defined as data or concurrent which unify with Fact. It is faster than calling the predicate explicitly, which do invoke the meta-interpreter. If the Fact has been defined as concurrent and has not been closed, current_fact/1 will wait (instead of failing) for more clauses to appear after the last clause of Fact is returned.
Fact is a fact of a data predicate and Ref is its reference identifying it uniquely.
Usage 1:
Gives on backtracking all the facts defined as data which unify with Fact, instantiating Ref to a unique identifier for each fact.
Usage 2:
Given Ref, unifies Fact with the fact identified by it.
Unifies Fact with the first matching fact of a data predicate, and then erases it. On backtracking successively unifies with and erases new matching facts. If Fact is declared as concurrent and is non-closed, retract_fact/1 will wait for more clauses or for the closing of the predicate after the last matching clause has been removed.
Erase all the facts of a data predicate unifying with Fact. Even if all facts are removed, the predicate continues to exist.
Behaves as current_fact/1 but a fact is never waited on even if it is concurrent and non-closed.
Behaves as retract_fact/1, but never waits on a fact, even if it has been declared as concurrent and is non-closed.
Changes the behavior of the predicate Pred if it has been declared as a concurrent predicate: calls to this predicate will fail (instead of wait) if no more clauses of Pred are available.
Reverts the behavior of concurrent predicate Pred to waiting instead of failing if no more clauses of Pred are available.
Sets Fact as the unique fact of the corresponding data predicate.
Deletes the clause referenced by Ref.
R is a reference of a dynamic or data clause.
Usage::- data(Predicates).
Defines each predicate in Predicates as a data predicate. If a predicate is defined data in a file, it must be defined data in every file containing clauses for that predicate. The directive should precede all clauses of the affected predicates. This directive is defined as a prefix operator in the compiler.
Usage::- concurrent(Predicates).
Defines each predicate in Predicates as a concurrent predicate. If a predicate is defined concurrent in a file, it must be defined concurrent in every file containing clauses for that predicate. The directive should precede all clauses of the affected predicates. This directive is defined as a prefix operator in the compiler.