This library package allows the use of DCGs (Definite Clause Grammars) [Col78,PW80] in a Ciao module/program.
Definite clause grammars are an extension of the well-known context-free grammars. Prolog's grammar rules provide a convenient notation for expressing definite clause grammars. A DCG rule in Prolog takes the general form
head --> body.
meaning ``a possible form for head is body''. Both body and head are sequences of one or more items linked by the standard Prolog conjunction operator ",".
Definite clause grammars extend context-free grammars in the following ways:
As an example, here is a simple grammar which parses an arithmetic expression (made up of digits and operators) and computes its value.
expr(Z) --> term(X), "+", expr(Y), {Z is X + Y}. expr(Z) --> term(X), "-", expr(Y), {Z is X - Y}. expr(X) --> term(X). term(Z) --> number(X), "*", term(Y), {Z is X * Y}. term(Z) --> number(X), "/", term(Y), {Z is X / Y}. term(Z) --> number(Z). number(C) --> "+", number(C). number(C) --> "-", number(X), {C is -X}. number(X) --> [C], {0'0=<C, C=<0'9, X is C - 0'0}.In the last rule, C is the ASCII code of some digit.
The query
?- expr(Z, "-2+3*5+1", []).
will compute Z=14. The two extra arguments are explained below.
Now, in fact, grammar rules are merely a convenient ``syntactic sugar'' for ordinary Prolog clauses. Each grammar rule takes an input string, analyses some initial portion, and produces the remaining portion (possibly enlarged) as output for further analysis. The arguments required for the input and output strings are not written explicitly in a grammar rule, but the syntax implicitly defines them. We now show how to translate grammar rules into ordinary clauses by making explicit the extra arguments.
A rule such as
p(X) --> q(X).
translates into
p(X, S0, S) :- q(X, S0, S).
If there is more than one non-terminal on the right-hand side, as in
p(X, Y) --> q(X), r(X, Y), s(Y).
then corresponding input and output arguments are identified, as in
p(X, Y, S0, S) :- q(X, S0, S1), r(X, Y, S1, S2), r(Y, S2, S).
Terminals are translated using the built-in predicate 'C'/3 (this predicate is not normally useful in itself; it has been given the name 'C' simply to avoid using up a more useful name). Then, for instance
p(X) --> [go,to], q(X), [stop].
is translated by
p(X, S0, S) :- 'C'(S0, go, S1), 'C'(S1, to, S2), q(X, S2, S3), 'C'(S3, stop, S).
Extra conditions expressed as explicit procedure calls naturally translate as themselves, e.g.
p(X) --> [X], {integer(X), X>0}, q(X).translates to
p(X, S0, S) :- 'C'(S0, X, S1), integer(X), X>0, q(X, S1, S).
Similarly, a cut is translated literally.
Terminals on the left-hand side of a rule translate into an explicit list in the output argument of the main non-terminal, e.g.
is(N), [not] --> [aint].
is(N, S0, [not|S]) :- 'C'(S0, aint, S).
Disjunction has a fairly obvious translation, e.g.
args(X, Y) --> ( dir(X), [to], indir(Y) ; indir(Y), dir(X) ).
translates to
args(X, Y, S0, S) :- ( dir(X, S0, S1), 'C'(S1, to, S2), indir(Y, S2, S) ; indir(Y, S0, S1), dir(X, S1, S) ).