Exception and signal handling

Author(s): The Ciao Development Team, Jose F. Morales (global vars version).

This module includes predicates related to exceptions and signals, which alter the normal flow of execution.

Usage and interface

Documentation on exports


Executes Goal. If an exception is raised during its execution, Error is unified with the exception, and if the unification succeeds, the entire execution derived from Goal is aborted, and Handler is executed. The execution resumes with the continuation of the catch/3 call. For example, given the code

p(X) :- throw(error), display('---').
p(X) :- display(X).
the execution of "catch(p(0), E, display(E)), display(.), fail." results in the output "error.".


  • Calls should, and exit will be compatible with:
    (basic_props:term/1)Error is any term.
    (basic_props:cgoal/1)Handler is a term which represents a goal, i.e., an atom or a structure.
  • The following properties should hold at call time:
    (basic_props:cgoal/1)Goal is a term which represents a goal, i.e., an atom or a structure.
  • The following properties hold upon exit:
    (basic_props:term/1)Error is any term.
    (basic_props:cgoal/1)Handler is a term which represents a goal, i.e., an atom or a structure.
  • The following properties hold globally:
    (basic_props:native/1)This predicate is understood natively by CiaoPP.
Meta-predicate with arguments: catch(goal,?,goal).


Executes Goal. If a signal is sent during its execution, Signal is unified with the exception, and if the unification succeeds, Handler is executed and then the execution resumes after the point where the exception was thrown. To avoid infinite loops if Handler raises an exception which unifies with Error, the exception handler is deactivated before executing Handler. Note the difference with builtin catch/3, given the code

p(X) :- send_signal(error), display('---').
p(X) :- display(X).
the execution of "intercept(p(0), E, display(E)), display(.), fail." results in the output "error---.0.".


  • Call and exit should be compatible with:
    (basic_props:term/1)Signal is any term.
  • The following properties should hold at call time:
    (basic_props:cgoal/1)Goal is a term which represents a goal, i.e., an atom or a structure.
    (basic_props:cgoal/1)Handler is a term which represents a goal, i.e., an atom or a structure.
  • The following properties should hold upon exit:
    (basic_props:term/1)Signal is any term.
Meta-predicate with arguments: intercept(goal,?,goal).


Raises an error, throwing the exception Ball, to be caught by an ancestor catch/3. The closest matching ancestor is chosen. In addition to calls to throw/2 in user code, exceptions are also thrown by many library predicates in cases of error.


  • The following properties should hold at call time:
    (term_typing:nonvar/1)Term is currently a term which is not a free variable.
  • The following properties hold globally:
    (basic_props:equiv/2)throw(Term) is equivalent to fail.


Emits a signal, to be intercepted by an ancestor intercept/3. The closest matching ancestor is chosen. If the signal is not intercepted, the following error is thrown: error(unintercepted_signal(Signal), send_signal/1-1).


  • The following properties should hold at call time:
    (term_typing:nonvar/1)Term is currently a term which is not a free variable.


Emits a signal as send_signal/1, Intercepted=false if the signal is not intercepted (i.e. just suceeds) or true otherwise.


  • The following properties should hold at call time:
    (term_typing:nonvar/1)Term is currently a term which is not a free variable.


Halt the system, exiting to the invoking shell.


  • The following properties should hold globally:
    (basic_props:native/1)This predicate is understood natively by CiaoPP.


Halt the system, exiting to the invoking shell, returning exit code Code.


  • The following properties should hold at call time:
    (basic_props:int/1)Code is an integer.
  • The following properties should hold upon exit:
    (basic_props:int/1)Code is an integer.
  • The following properties should hold globally:
    (basic_props:equiv/2)halt(Code) is equivalent to fail.


Abort the current execution.

Documentation on imports

This module has the following direct dependencies: