This module implements predicates for HTML/XML generation and parsing.
canonic_html_item(comment(S)) :- string(S). canonic_html_item(declare(S)) :- string(S). canonic_html_item(env(Tag,Atts,Terms)) :- atm(Tag), list(tag_attrib,Atts), canonic_html_term(Terms). canonic_html_item($(Tag,Atts)) :- atm(Tag), list(tag_attrib,Atts). canonic_html_item(S) :- string(S).
tag_attrib(Att) :- atm(Att). tag_attrib(Att=Val) :- atm(Att), string(Val).Each structure represents one HTML construction:
For example, the term
env(a,[href=""], ["Visit ",img$[src="TRFS.gif"]])is output to (or parsed from):
<a href="">Visit <img src="TRFS.gif"></a>
HTMLTerm is a term representing HTML code in canonical form.
canonic_xml_item(Term) :- canonic_html_item(Term). canonic_xml_item(xmldecl(Atts)) :- list(tag_attrib,Atts). canonic_xml_item(env(Tag,Atts,Terms)) :- atm(Tag), list(tag_attrib,Atts), canonic_xml_term(Terms). canonic_xml_item(elem(Tag,Atts)) :- atm(Tag), list(tag_attrib,Atts).In addition to the structures defined by canonic_html_term/1 (the ($)/2 structure appears only in malformed XML code), the following structures can be used:
elem(arc,[weigh="3",begin="n1",end="n2"])is output to (or parsed from):
<arc weigh="3" begin="n1" end="n2"/>
XMLTerm is a term representing XML code in canonical form.
address('')is translated into the HTML source:
a([href=''],"Clip home")represents the HTML source
<a href="">Clip home</a>
HTMLTerm is a term representing HTML code.
Outputs HTMLTerm, interpreted as an html_term/1, to current output stream.
String is a character list containing HTML code and Terms is its prolog structured representation.
Usage 1:
Translates an HTML-term into the HTML code it represents.
Usage 2:
Translates HTML code into a structured HTML-term.
String is a character list containing XML code and Terms is its prolog structured representation.
Usage 1:
Translates a XML-term into the XML code it represents.
Usage 2:
Translates XML code into a structured XML-term.
Interprets Chars as an HTML template returning in Terms the corresponding structured HTML-term, which includes variables, and unifying Dict with a dictionary of those variables (an incomplete list of name=Var pairs). An HTML template is standard HTML code, but in which ``slots'' can be defined and given an identifier. These slots represent parts of the HTML code in which other HTML code can be inserted, and are represented in the HTML-term as free variables. There are two kinds of variables in templates:
As an example, suposse the following HTML template:
<html> <body bgcolor=_bgcolor> <v>content</v> </body> </html>
The following query in the Ciao toplevel shows how the template is parsed, and the dictionary returned:
?- file_to_string('template.html',_S), html_template(_S,Terms,Dict). Dict = [bgcolor=_A,content=_B|_], Terms = [env(html,[],[" ",env(body,[bgcolor=_A],[" ",_B," "])," "])," "] ? yesIf a dictionary with values is supplied at call time, then variables are unified accordingly inside the template:
?- file_to_string('template.html',_S), html_template(_S,Terms,[content=b("hello world!"),bgcolor="white"]). Terms = [env(html,[],[" ",env(body,[bgcolor="white"],[" ",b("hello world!")," "])," "])," "] ? yes
Hook predicate to define macros. Expand occurrences of Term into Expansion, in output_html/1. Take care to not transform something into itself!