Form Data and Query Strings

Author(s): The Ciao Development Team.

This module implements a printer/parser for query strings and multipart/form-data contents of HTTP requests.

Query strings are typically encoded in the URLs of GET messages. Form-data is encoded in the contents of POST messages. Both are useful to send list of name=value information in HTTP requests (originally from HTML forms, lately for many other uses).

Documentation on exports


Dict is a dictionary of values of the attributes of a form. It is a list of form_assignment


    Eq is an assignment of value of an attribute of a form. It is defined by:

    form_assignment(A=V) :-
    form_value(A) :-
    form_value(N) :-
    form_value(L) :-


      V is a value of an attribute of a form.


        Dict is a dictionary of values. It is a list of pairs atom=constant.


          Unifies Val with the value for attribute Var in dictionary Dict. Does not fail: value is '' if not found (this simplifies the programming of form handlers when they can be accessed directly).


          • Call and exit should be compatible with:
            (http_forms:form_value/1)Val is a value of an attribute of a form.
          • The following properties should hold at call time:
            (http_forms:form_dict/1)Dict is a dictionary of values of the attributes of a form. It is a list of form_assignment
            (basic_props:atm/1)Var is an atom.
          • The following properties should hold upon exit:
            (http_forms:form_value/1)Val is a value of an attribute of a form.


          Like get_form_value/3 but obtain Val as a string.


          • Call and exit should be compatible with:
            (basic_props:string/1)Val is a string (a list of character codes).
          • The following properties should hold at call time:
            (http_forms:form_dict/1)Dict is a dictionary of values of the attributes of a form. It is a list of form_assignment
            (basic_props:atm/1)Var is an atom.
          • The following properties should hold upon exit:
            (basic_props:string/1)Val is a string (a list of character codes).


          Like get_form_value/3 but obtain Val as an atom.



          Checks that Term, a value comming from a text area is empty (can have spaces, newlines and linefeeds).


            Useful when a form is only partially filled, or when the executable can be invoked either by a link or by a form, to set form defaults. If the value of Val is empty then NewVal=Default, else NewVal=Val.


            Dict is a dictionary of parameter values and URLArgs is the URL-encoded string of those assignments, which may appear after an URL pointing to a CGI script preceded by a '?'. Dict is computed according to the raw_form_values flag. The use of this predicate is reversible.

            Usage 1:

            • The following properties should hold at call time:
              (term_typing:var/1)URLArgs is a free variable.
              (http_forms:value_dict/1)Dict is a dictionary of values. It is a list of pairs atom=constant.
            • The following properties should hold upon exit:
              (basic_props:string/1)URLArgs is a string (a list of character codes).

            Usage 2:

            • The following properties should hold at call time:
              (basic_props:string/1)URLArgs is a string (a list of character codes).
              (term_typing:var/1)Dict is a free variable.
            • The following properties should hold upon exit:
              (http_forms:value_dict/1)Dict is a dictionary of values. It is a list of pairs atom=constant.

            No further documentation available for this predicate.

            No further documentation available for this predicate.

            No further documentation available for this predicate.


            Get form data Dic from HTTP request Request

              Documentation on multifiles

              Defines a flag as follows:
              (See Runtime system control and flags).

              If flag is on, values returned by http_parse_form/2 are always atoms, unchanged from its original value.


              The predicate is multifile.

              Documentation on imports

              This module has the following direct dependencies: