Customizing path aliases

Author(s): Daniel Cabeza.

This library provides means for customizing the path aliases known by an executable from the CIAOALIASPATH environment variable. This is used by many applications of Ciao, including ciaoc, ciaosh, and ciao-shell, specially during system boostrapping.

This library is not recommended for user programs. Use bundles instead.

Usage and interface

Documentation on exports


Consult the environment variable CIAOALIASPATH and add facts to predicates library_directory/1 and file_search_path/2 to define new library paths and path aliases. The format of CIAOALIASPATH is a sequence of paths or alias assignments separated by a path list separator character (see extract_paths/2), an alias assignment is the name of the alias, an = and the path represented by that alias (no blanks allowed). For example, given

the predicate will define /home/bardo/ciao as a library path and /usr/local/lib/ciao as the path represented by contrib.

Documentation on multifiles

See Basic file/stream handling. The predicate is multifile.
The predicate is of type dynamic.

See Basic file/stream handling. The predicate is multifile.
The predicate is of type dynamic.

Documentation on imports

This module has the following direct dependencies: