Build Automation for Ciao
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act_manual_path/4 (lpdoc_aux predicate)
(in lpdoc_aux)
activate/1 (third_party_install predicate)
(in third_party_install)
activated/1 (third_party_install predicate)
(in third_party_install)
active_bindir/1 (install_aux predicate)
(in install_aux)
active_bld_eng_path/3 (eng_defs predicate)
(in eng_defs)
active_cmd_path/3 (install_aux predicate)
(in install_aux)
active_docdir/2 (install_aux predicate)
(in install_aux)
active_eng_name/3 (eng_defs predicate)
(in eng_defs)
active_inst_eng_path/3 (eng_defs predicate)
(in eng_defs)
add_bundle_origin/2 (bundle_fetch predicate)
(in bundle_fetch)
add_rpath/3 (builder_aux predicate)
(in builder_aux)
aggregates (in ciaocl_help)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in builder_cmds)
(in third_party_install)
(in third_party_custom)
(in ciaoc_aux)
(in eng_defs)
(in builder_aux)
(in bundle_configure)
(in bundle_fetch)
ask_option_value/6 (interactive_aux predicate)
(in interactive_aux)
ask_yesno/1 (interactive_aux predicate)
(in interactive_aux)
assertions (in ciaocl_parser)
(in ciaocl_help)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in builder_cmds)
(in grade_bin)
(in grade_docs)
(in builder_targets)
(in third_party_install)
(in third_party_custom)
(in ciaoc_aux)
(in lpdoc_aux)
(in car_maker)
(in eng_defs)
(in builder_aux)
(in install_aux)
(in cmake_aux)
(in info_installer)
(in register_in_script)
(in bundle_hash)
(in detcheader)
(in messages_aux)
(in interactive_aux)
(in bundle_configure)
(in bundle_fetch)
assertions/assertions_basic (in ciaocl_parser)
(in ciaocl_help)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in builder_cmds)
(in grade_bin)
(in grade_docs)
(in builder_targets)
(in third_party_install)
(in third_party_custom)
(in ciaoc_aux)
(in lpdoc_aux)
(in car_maker)
(in eng_defs)
(in builder_aux)
(in install_aux)
(in cmake_aux)
(in info_installer)
(in register_in_script)
(in bundle_hash)
(in detcheader)
(in messages_aux)
(in interactive_aux)
(in bundle_configure)
(in bundle_fetch)
auto_install/2 (third_party_install predicate)
(in third_party_install)
b_cmake/4 (cmake_aux predicate)
(in cmake_aux)
basicmodes (in third_party_custom)
(in register_in_script)
(in bundle_hash)
(in interactive_aux)
(in bundle_configure)
bld_cmake_path/3 (eng_defs predicate)
(in eng_defs)
bld_manual_path/4 (lpdoc_aux predicate)
(in lpdoc_aux)
build/1 (third_party_install predicate)
(in third_party_install)
build_doc/2 (lpdoc_aux predicate)
(in lpdoc_aux)
build_docs_readme/3 (lpdoc_aux predicate)
(in lpdoc_aux)
build_docs_readme_html/3 (lpdoc_aux predicate)
(in lpdoc_aux)
build_eng_exec_header/1 (ciaoc_aux predicate)
(in ciaoc_aux)
build_libs/2 (ciaoc_aux predicate)
(in ciaoc_aux)
builddir_clean/2 (builder_aux predicate)
(in builder_aux)
builder (in cmake_aux)
builder, standalone (in ciao_builder)
builder_aux (builder_aux library)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in builder_cmds)
(in grade_bin)
(in grade_docs)
(in builder_targets)
(in ciaoc_aux)
(in lpdoc_aux)
(in car_maker)
(in install_aux)
builder_cleanup/0 (builder_cmds predicate)
(in builder_cmds)
builder_cmd/2 (builder_cmds predicate)
(in builder_cmds)
(in builder_cmds)
builder_cmd_nobndl/1 (builder_cmds predicate)
(in builder_cmds)
builder_cmd_on_set/2 (builder_cmds predicate)
(in builder_cmds)
builder_cmds (builder_cmds library)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in grade_bin)
(in grade_docs)
builder_flags (in builder_cmds)
(in install_aux)
(in bundle_hash)
(in bundle_configure)
builder_run/2 (builder_cmds predicate)
(in builder_cmds)
(in builder_cmds)
builder_targets (builder_targets library)
(in builder_cmds)
bundle (in ciao_builder_ref)
(in ciao_builder_refintro)
(in ciao_builder)
(in ciao_builder)
bundle_commit_info/3 (bundle_hash predicate)
(in bundle_hash)
bundle_configure (bundle_configure library)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in builder_cmds)
(in ciaoc_aux)
bundle_fetch (bundle_fetch library)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in builder_cmds)
(in builder_targets)
bundle_fetch/2 (bundle_fetch predicate)
(in bundle_fetch)
(in bundle_fetch)
bundle_fetch_cleanup/0 (bundle_fetch predicate)
(in bundle_fetch)
bundle_flags (in ciaoc_aux)
(in eng_defs)
(in builder_aux)
(in install_aux)
(in bundle_configure)
(in bundle_configure)
bundle_flags_sh_file/1 (car_maker predicate)
(in car_maker)
bundle_gen_commit_info/1 (bundle_hash predicate)
(in bundle_hash)
bundle_has_config/1 (bundle_configure predicate)
(in bundle_configure)
bundle_hash (bundle_hash library)
(in builder_cmds)
(in car_maker)
bundle_info (in manifest_compiler)
(in grade_docs)
(in car_maker)
(in builder_aux)
(in bundle_hash)
(in bundle_configure)
(in bundle_fetch)
bundle_info/1 (manifest_compiler predicate)
(in manifest_compiler)
bundle_manual_base/2 (manifest_compiler predicate)
(in manifest_compiler)
bundle_paths (in manifest_compiler)
(in builder_cmds)
(in grade_bin)
(in third_party_install)
(in ciaoc_aux)
(in lpdoc_aux)
(in car_maker)
(in eng_defs)
(in builder_aux)
(in install_aux)
(in cmake_aux)
(in bundle_hash)
(in bundle_configure)
bundle_rm/1 (bundle_fetch predicate)
(in bundle_fetch)
(in bundle_fetch)
(in bundle_fetch)
bundle_scan (in builder_targets)
(in bundle_fetch)
bundle_share_workspace/2 (builder_cmds predicate)
(in builder_cmds)
bundle_src_origin/2 (in bundle_fetch)
bundlehooks_holder (bundlehooks_holder library)
(in manifest_compiler)
bundleset_configure/2 (bundle_configure predicate)
(in bundle_configure)
c_itf_props (in detcheader)
cachedir_prefix/2 (ciaoc_aux predicate)
(in ciaoc_aux)
car_maker (car_maker library)
(in grade_bin)
(in bundle_configure)
check_builder_update/0 (bundle_configure predicate)
(in bundle_configure)
check_bundle_alias/3 (bundle_fetch predicate)
(in bundle_fetch)
checksum/1 (third_party_install predicate)
(in third_party_install)
ciao (in ciao_builder)
(in ciaocl_help)
ciao-boot.bat (in ciaocl_help)
ciao-boot.sh (in ciaocl_help)
ciao_builder (in ciao_builder_ref)
(in ciao_builder_ref)
(in ciao_builder)
(in ciao_builder)
(in ciao_builder)
ciaoc (in ciaoc_aux)
ciaoc_aux (ciaoc_aux library)
(in builder_cmds)
(in grade_bin)
(in car_maker)
(in install_aux)
ciaocl_help (ciaocl_help library)
ciaocl_parser (ciaocl_parser library)
clean/1 (third_party_install predicate)
(in third_party_install)
clean_eng_exec_header/1 (ciaoc_aux predicate)
(in ciaoc_aux)
clean_mods/1 (ciaoc_aux predicate)
(in ciaoc_aux)
clean_tree/1 (ciaoc_aux predicate)
(in ciaoc_aux)
cmake_aux (cmake_aux library)
cmd.allow_unknown_targets/1 (builder_cmds predicate)
(grade_bin predicate)
(grade_docs predicate)
(in builder_cmds)
cmd.comment/2 (builder_cmds predicate)
(grade_bin predicate)
(grade_docs predicate)
(in builder_cmds)
cmd.do.decl/1 (builder_cmds predicate)
(grade_bin predicate)
(grade_docs predicate)
(in builder_cmds)
cmd.do/2 (builder_cmds predicate)
(grade_bin predicate)
(grade_docs predicate)
(in builder_cmds)
cmd.do_after.decl/1 (builder_cmds predicate)
(grade_bin predicate)
(grade_docs predicate)
(in builder_cmds)
cmd.do_after/2 (builder_cmds predicate)
(grade_bin predicate)
(grade_docs predicate)
(in builder_cmds)
cmd.do_before.decl/1 (builder_cmds predicate)
(grade_bin predicate)
(grade_docs predicate)
(in builder_cmds)
cmd.do_before/2 (builder_cmds predicate)
(grade_bin predicate)
(grade_docs predicate)
(in builder_cmds)
cmd.grade/2 (builder_cmds predicate)
(grade_bin predicate)
(grade_docs predicate)
(in builder_cmds)
cmd.needs_config/1 (builder_cmds predicate)
(grade_bin predicate)
(grade_docs predicate)
(in builder_cmds)
cmd.needs_rescan/1 (builder_cmds predicate)
(grade_bin predicate)
(grade_docs predicate)
(in builder_cmds)
cmd.needs_update_builder/1 (builder_cmds predicate)
(grade_bin predicate)
(grade_docs predicate)
(in builder_cmds)
cmd.no_manifest_load/1 (builder_cmds predicate)
(grade_bin predicate)
(grade_docs predicate)
(in builder_cmds)
cmd.only_global_instype/1 (builder_cmds predicate)
(grade_bin predicate)
(grade_docs predicate)
(in builder_cmds)
cmd.recursive/2 (builder_cmds predicate)
(grade_bin predicate)
(grade_docs predicate)
(in builder_cmds)
cmd_build/1 (ciaoc_aux predicate)
(in ciaoc_aux)
cmd_build_copy/4 (ciaoc_aux predicate)
(in ciaoc_aux)
cmd_build_link/4 (ciaoc_aux predicate)
(in ciaoc_aux)
cmd_message/3 (messages_aux predicate)
(in messages_aux)
compiler (in bundlehooks_holder)
compose_target/3 (manifest_compiler predicate)
(in manifest_compiler)
condcomp (in ciaocl_parser)
(in ciaocl_help)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in bundlehooks_holder)
(in builder_cmds)
(in grade_bin)
(in grade_docs)
(in builder_targets)
(in third_party_install)
(in third_party_custom)
(in ciaoc_aux)
(in lpdoc_aux)
(in car_maker)
(in eng_defs)
(in builder_aux)
(in install_aux)
(in cmake_aux)
(in info_installer)
(in register_in_script)
(in bundle_hash)
(in detcheader)
(in messages_aux)
(in interactive_aux)
(in bundle_configure)
(in bundle_fetch)
config_common (in builder_cmds)
(in grade_docs)
(in ciaoc_aux)
(in lpdoc_aux)
(in eng_defs)
(in builder_aux)
(in install_aux)
(in messages_aux)
config_describe_flag/1 (bundle_configure predicate)
(in bundle_configure)
config_get_flag/2 (bundle_configure predicate)
(in bundle_configure)
config_list_flags/1 (bundle_configure predicate)
(in bundle_configure)
config_set_flag/2 (bundle_configure predicate)
(in bundle_configure)
configure/1 (third_party_install predicate)
(in third_party_install)
cpx_process (in ciaoc_aux)
(in lpdoc_aux)
create_windows_bat/6 (ciaoc_aux predicate)
(in ciaoc_aux)
datafacts (in ciaocl_help)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in builder_cmds)
(in builder_targets)
(in bundle_hash)
(in bundle_configure)
(in bundle_fetch)
datafacts_rt (in ciaocl_help)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in builder_cmds)
(in builder_targets)
(in bundle_hash)
(in bundle_configure)
(in bundle_fetch)
dcg (in ciaocl_parser)
(in ciaocl_help)
(in ciaoc_aux)
(in car_maker)
(in cmake_aux)
(in register_in_script)
(in detcheader)
(in interactive_aux)
(in bundle_fetch)
deactivate/1 (third_party_install predicate)
(in third_party_install)
decompress_and_patch/2 (third_party_install predicate)
(in third_party_install)
default_origin/2 (bundle_fetch predicate)
(in bundle_fetch)
detcheader (detcheader library)
detect_c_headers/1 (detcheader predicate)
(in detcheader)
dir_to_bundle/2 (builder_aux predicate)
(in builder_aux)
dirfile_install_info/2 (info_installer predicate)
(in info_installer)
dirfile_uninstall_info/2 (info_installer predicate)
(in info_installer)
dmc_message/3 (messages_aux predicate)
(in messages_aux)
do_unload/1 (bundlehooks_holder predicate)
(in bundlehooks_holder)
do_use_module/1 (bundlehooks_holder predicate)
(in bundlehooks_holder)
download/1 (third_party_install predicate)
(in third_party_install)
dynmod_holder (in bundlehooks_holder)
emugen (in ciaoc_aux)
(in car_maker)
(in eng_defs)
emugen_code_dir/3 (eng_defs predicate)
(in eng_defs)
eng_active_bld/1 (install_aux predicate)
(in install_aux)
eng_build/1 (car_maker predicate)
(in car_maker)
eng_bundle/2 (eng_defs predicate)
(in eng_defs)
eng_cfg/2 (eng_defs predicate)
(in eng_defs)
eng_clean/1 (car_maker predicate)
(in car_maker)
eng_dbg/2 (eng_defs predicate)
(in eng_defs)
eng_defs (eng_defs library)
(in ciaoc_aux)
(in car_maker)
(in car_maker)
(in builder_aux)
(in install_aux)
(in cmake_aux)
eng_h_alias/2 (eng_defs predicate)
(in eng_defs)
eng_mainbase/2 (eng_defs predicate)
(in eng_defs)
eng_mainmod/2 (eng_defs predicate)
(in eng_defs)
eng_mainspec/2 (eng_defs predicate)
(in eng_defs)
eng_opts/2 (eng_defs predicate)
(in eng_defs)
eng_path/3 (eng_defs predicate)
(in eng_defs)
eng_srcdirs/2 (eng_defs predicate)
(in eng_defs)
ensure_builddir/2 (builder_aux predicate)
(in builder_aux)
ensure_load_manifest/1 (manifest_compiler predicate)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in manifest_compiler)
exists_and_compilable/1 (ciaoc_aux predicate)
(in ciaoc_aux)
fastrw (in manifest_compiler)
(in manifest_compiler)
final_builddir_path/3 (install_aux predicate)
(in install_aux)
final_bundle_path/3 (install_aux predicate)
(in install_aux)
final_ciao_root/1 (install_aux predicate)
(in install_aux)
final_cmd_path/4 (install_aux predicate)
(in install_aux)
foreign_compilation (in detcheader)
format (in manifest_compiler)
(in builder_cmds)
(in third_party_custom)
(in builder_aux)
(in messages_aux)
fsyntax (in ciaocl_help)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in builder_cmds)
(in grade_bin)
(in grade_docs)
(in builder_targets)
(in third_party_custom)
(in ciaoc_aux)
(in lpdoc_aux)
(in car_maker)
(in eng_defs)
(in builder_aux)
(in install_aux)
(in cmake_aux)
(in info_installer)
(in register_in_script)
(in bundle_hash)
(in interactive_aux)
(in bundle_configure)
(in bundle_fetch)
gen_pbundle_hook/3 (builder_cmds predicate)
(in builder_cmds)
generate_config_auto/2 (builder_aux predicate)
(in builder_aux)
generate_version_auto/2 (builder_aux predicate)
(in builder_aux)
get_bundle_origin/2 (bundle_fetch predicate)
(in bundle_fetch)
get_bundle_readme/2 (manifest_compiler predicate)
(in manifest_compiler)
grade.cmd/3 (builder_cmds predicate)
(grade_bin predicate)
(grade_docs predicate)
(in builder_cmds)
grade.prim_do/4 (builder_cmds predicate)
(grade_bin predicate)
(grade_docs predicate)
(in builder_cmds)
grade.prim_kind/2 (builder_cmds predicate)
(grade_bin predicate)
(grade_docs predicate)
(in builder_cmds)
grade.requires/3 (builder_cmds predicate)
(grade_bin predicate)
(grade_docs predicate)
(in builder_cmds)
grade_analyze (in builder_cmds)
grade_bin (grade_bin library)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in builder_cmds)
grade_docs (grade_docs library)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in builder_cmds)
grade_holder (in builder_cmds)
hiord (in manifest_compiler)
(in builder_cmds)
(in grade_bin)
(in grade_docs)
(in builder_targets)
(in third_party_custom)
(in ciaoc_aux)
(in lpdoc_aux)
(in car_maker)
(in builder_aux)
(in install_aux)
(in cmake_aux)
(in bundle_hash)
(in messages_aux)
(in interactive_aux)
(in bundle_configure)
(in bundle_fetch)
hiordlib (in ciaocl_parser)
(in builder_targets)
(in builder_aux)
(in bundle_configure)
http_get (in third_party_install)
(in bundle_fetch)
info_installer (info_installer library)
(in install_aux)
initial (in ciaocl_parser)
(in ciaocl_help)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in bundlehooks_holder)
(in builder_cmds)
(in grade_bin)
(in grade_docs)
(in builder_targets)
(in third_party_install)
(in third_party_custom)
(in ciaoc_aux)
(in lpdoc_aux)
(in car_maker)
(in eng_defs)
(in builder_aux)
(in install_aux)
(in cmake_aux)
(in info_installer)
(in register_in_script)
(in bundle_hash)
(in detcheader)
(in messages_aux)
(in interactive_aux)
(in bundle_configure)
(in bundle_fetch)
inst_builddir_path/2 (install_aux predicate)
(in install_aux)
inst_bundle_path/3 (install_aux predicate)
(in install_aux)
inst_ciao_root/1 (install_aux predicate)
(in install_aux)
inst_cmd_path/4 (install_aux predicate)
(install_aux predicate)
(in install_aux)
(in install_aux)
inst_eng_path/3 (eng_defs predicate)
(in eng_defs)
inst_manual_path/4 (lpdoc_aux predicate)
(in lpdoc_aux)
install/1 (third_party_install predicate)
(in third_party_install)
install_aux (install_aux library)
(in builder_cmds)
(in grade_bin)
(in grade_docs)
(in ciaoc_aux)
(in lpdoc_aux)
(in eng_defs)
install_bin_dirs/1 (install_aux predicate)
(in install_aux)
install_bundlereg/1 (install_aux predicate)
(in install_aux)
install_cachedir/1 (install_aux predicate)
(in install_aux)
install_doc/3 (install_aux predicate)
(in install_aux)
installed/1 (third_party_install predicate)
(in third_party_install)
instdir_install/1 (install_aux predicate)
(in install_aux)
instdir_uninstall/1 (install_aux predicate)
(in install_aux)
instype/1 (install_aux predicate)
(in install_aux)
interactive_aux (interactive_aux library)
(in builder_cmds)
(in bundle_configure)
invoke_ant/2 (builder_aux predicate)
(in builder_aux)
invoke_boot_ciaoc/2 (ciaoc_aux predicate)
(in ciaoc_aux)
invoke_ciaoc/1 (ciaoc_aux predicate)
(in ciaoc_aux)
invoke_ciaosh_batch/1 (ciaoc_aux predicate)
(in ciaoc_aux)
invoke_ciaosh_batch/2 (ciaoc_aux predicate)
(in ciaoc_aux)
invoke_gmake/2 (builder_aux predicate)
(in builder_aux)
invoke_lpdoc/1 (lpdoc_aux predicate)
(in lpdoc_aux)
is_bundledir/1 (manifest_compiler predicate)
(in manifest_compiler)
isomodes (in ciaocl_parser)
(in ciaocl_help)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in builder_cmds)
(in grade_bin)
(in grade_docs)
(in builder_targets)
(in lpdoc_aux)
(in bundle_fetch)
Jose F. Morales (ciao_builder author)
(ciaocl_parser author)
(ciaocl_help author)
(manifest_compiler author)
(builder_cmds author)
(grade_bin author)
(grade_docs author)
(builder_targets author)
(third_party_install author)
(ciaoc_aux author)
(lpdoc_aux author)
(car_maker author)
(eng_defs author)
(cmake_aux author)
(register_in_script author)
(bundle_hash author)
(bundle_fetch author)
(ciao_publish author)
list_bundles/0 (builder_cmds predicate)
(in builder_cmds)
lists (in ciaocl_parser)
(in ciaocl_help)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in builder_cmds)
(in grade_bin)
(in third_party_install)
(in ciaoc_aux)
(in car_maker)
(in eng_defs)
(in builder_aux)
(in register_in_script)
(in detcheader)
(in messages_aux)
(in interactive_aux)
(in bundle_configure)
(in bundle_fetch)
llists (in builder_aux)
locate_manifest_file/2 (manifest_compiler predicate)
(in manifest_compiler)
logged_process (in builder_aux)
lookup_bundle_root/2 (manifest_compiler predicate)
(in manifest_compiler)
lookup_workspace/3 (builder_aux predicate)
(in builder_aux)
lpdoc (in lpdoc_aux)
lpdoc_aux (lpdoc_aux library)
(in builder_cmds)
(in grade_docs)
(in install_aux)
m_bundle_config_call/2 (manifest_compiler predicate)
(third_party_install predicate)
(bundle_configure predicate)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in third_party_install)
(in bundle_configure)
m_bundle_config_entry/3 (manifest_compiler predicate)
(third_party_install predicate)
(bundle_configure predicate)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in third_party_install)
(in bundle_configure)
m_bundle_foreign_config_tool/3 (manifest_compiler predicate)
(third_party_install predicate)
(bundle_configure predicate)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in third_party_install)
(in bundle_configure)
m_bundle_foreign_dep/4 (manifest_compiler predicate)
(third_party_install predicate)
(third_party_custom predicate)
(bundle_configure predicate)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in third_party_install)
(in third_party_custom)
(in bundle_configure)
m_bundlehook_decl/3 (manifest_compiler predicate)
(third_party_install predicate)
(bundle_configure predicate)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in third_party_install)
(in bundle_configure)
m_bundlehook_do/3 (manifest_compiler predicate)
(third_party_install predicate)
(bundle_configure predicate)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in third_party_install)
(in bundle_configure)
m_third_party_build_system/2 (manifest_compiler predicate)
(third_party_install predicate)
(bundle_configure predicate)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in third_party_install)
(in bundle_configure)
m_third_party_custom_build/2 (manifest_compiler predicate)
(third_party_install predicate)
(bundle_configure predicate)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in third_party_install)
(in bundle_configure)
m_third_party_custom_configure/2 (manifest_compiler predicate)
(third_party_install predicate)
(bundle_configure predicate)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in third_party_install)
(in bundle_configure)
m_third_party_custom_install/2 (manifest_compiler predicate)
(third_party_install predicate)
(bundle_configure predicate)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in third_party_install)
(in bundle_configure)
m_third_party_name/1 (manifest_compiler predicate)
(third_party_install predicate)
(bundle_configure predicate)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in third_party_install)
(in bundle_configure)
m_third_party_option1/2 (manifest_compiler predicate)
(third_party_install predicate)
(bundle_configure predicate)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in third_party_install)
(in bundle_configure)
m_third_party_option2/3 (manifest_compiler predicate)
(third_party_install predicate)
(bundle_configure predicate)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in third_party_install)
(in bundle_configure)
m_third_party_patch/2 (manifest_compiler predicate)
(third_party_install predicate)
(bundle_configure predicate)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in third_party_install)
(in bundle_configure)
m_third_party_source_md5/2 (manifest_compiler predicate)
(third_party_install predicate)
(bundle_configure predicate)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in third_party_install)
(in bundle_configure)
m_third_party_source_url/2 (manifest_compiler predicate)
(third_party_install predicate)
(bundle_configure predicate)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in third_party_install)
(in bundle_configure)
m_third_party_version/2 (manifest_compiler predicate)
(third_party_install predicate)
(bundle_configure predicate)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in third_party_install)
(in bundle_configure)
main_file_path/3 (manifest_compiler predicate)
(in manifest_compiler)
main_file_relpath/2 (manifest_compiler predicate)
(in manifest_compiler)
make_bundlereg/4 (manifest_compiler predicate)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in manifest_compiler)
manifest_call/2 (manifest_compiler predicate)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in manifest_compiler)
manifest_compiler (manifest_compiler library)
(in builder_cmds)
(in grade_bin)
(in grade_docs)
(in builder_targets)
(in install_aux)
(in bundle_configure)
(in bundle_fetch)
manifest_current_predicate/2 (manifest_compiler predicate)
(in manifest_compiler)
md5sum (in third_party_install)
messages (in manifest_compiler)
(in ciaoc_aux)
(in builder_aux)
(in install_aux)
(in bundle_configure)
messages_aux (messages_aux library)
(in builder_cmds)
(in grade_bin)
(in grade_docs)
(in third_party_custom)
(in ciaoc_aux)
(in car_maker)
(in builder_aux)
(in bundle_fetch)
modes (in detcheader)
native_props (in bundle_hash)
nativeprops (in bundle_hash)
norm_underscores/2 (ciaocl_parser predicate)
(in ciaocl_parser)
normal_message/2 (messages_aux predicate)
(in messages_aux)
parse_cmd/3 (ciaocl_parser predicate)
(in ciaocl_parser)
path alias (in manifest_compiler)
pathnames (in manifest_compiler)
(in builder_cmds)
(in grade_bin)
(in third_party_install)
(in third_party_custom)
(in ciaoc_aux)
(in lpdoc_aux)
(in car_maker)
(in eng_defs)
(in builder_aux)
(in install_aux)
(in info_installer)
(in bundle_hash)
(in bundle_fetch)
pbundle_gen_bin (in builder_cmds)
pbundle_gen_mac (in builder_cmds)
pbundle_gen_rpm (in builder_cmds)
pbundle_gen_src (in builder_cmds)
pbundle_gen_win32 (in builder_cmds)
pbundle_generator (in builder_cmds)
perms/1 (install_aux predicate)
(in install_aux)
port_reify (in manifest_compiler)
(in third_party_custom)
(in detcheader)
(in bundle_configure)
prelude (in ciaocl_parser)
(in ciaocl_help)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in bundlehooks_holder)
(in builder_cmds)
(in grade_bin)
(in grade_docs)
(in builder_targets)
(in third_party_install)
(in third_party_custom)
(in ciaoc_aux)
(in lpdoc_aux)
(in car_maker)
(in eng_defs)
(in builder_aux)
(in install_aux)
(in cmake_aux)
(in info_installer)
(in register_in_script)
(in bundle_hash)
(in detcheader)
(in messages_aux)
(in interactive_aux)
(in bundle_configure)
(in bundle_fetch)
print_clauses_to_file/2 (builder_aux predicate)
(in builder_aux)
process (in third_party_install)
(in third_party_custom)
(in ciaoc_aux)
(in builder_aux)
(in cmake_aux)
(in info_installer)
(in detcheader)
(in bundle_configure)
(in bundle_fetch)
promote_bootstrap/1 (ciaoc_aux predicate)
(in ciaoc_aux)
Remy Haemmerle (third_party_install author)
read (in manifest_compiler)
register_in_script (register_in_script library)
register_in_script/3 (register_in_script predicate)
(in register_in_script)
regtypes (in ciaocl_parser)
(in ciaocl_help)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in builder_cmds)
(in grade_bin)
(in grade_docs)
(in builder_targets)
(in lpdoc_aux)
(in info_installer)
(in register_in_script)
(in bundle_hash)
(in messages_aux)
(in bundle_fetch)
remove_dir_nofail/1 (builder_aux predicate)
(in builder_aux)
rescan_targets/1 (builder_targets predicate)
(in builder_targets)
(in builder_targets)
resolve_targets/3 (builder_targets predicate)
(in builder_targets)
root_target/1 (builder_cmds predicate)
(in builder_cmds)
rootprefix/1 (install_aux predicate)
(in install_aux)
(in install_aux)
runtests_dir/2 (ciaoc_aux predicate)
(in ciaoc_aux)
runtests_dir/3 (ciaoc_aux predicate)
(in ciaoc_aux)
set_prolog_flags_from_bundle_flags/1 (bundle_configure predicate)
(in bundle_configure)
sh_process (in ciaoc_aux)
(in car_maker)
show_doc/3 (lpdoc_aux predicate)
(in lpdoc_aux)
show_help/2 (ciaocl_help predicate)
(in ciaocl_help)
show_help_cmd/2 (ciaocl_help predicate)
(in ciaocl_help)
sort (in builder_cmds)
(in ciaoc_aux)
source_tree (in ciaoc_aux)
(in lpdoc_aux)
(in builder_aux)
(in install_aux)
(in bundle_fetch)
split_target/3 (manifest_compiler predicate)
(in manifest_compiler)
stream_utils (in ciaocl_help)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in ciaoc_aux)
(in builder_aux)
(in register_in_script)
(in bundle_hash)
(in detcheader)
(in interactive_aux)
(in bundle_configure)
streams (in install_aux)
sysconf_arch/3 (car_maker predicate)
(in car_maker)
sysconf_os/1 (car_maker predicate)
(in car_maker)
system (in ciaocl_help)
(in manifest_compiler)
(in builder_targets)
(in third_party_install)
(in third_party_custom)
(in ciaoc_aux)
(in lpdoc_aux)
(in car_maker)
(in builder_aux)
(in install_aux)
(in info_installer)
(in register_in_script)
(in bundle_hash)
(in detcheader)
(in bundle_configure)
(in bundle_fetch)
system_extra (in manifest_compiler)
(in third_party_custom)
(in ciaoc_aux)
(in car_maker)
(in builder_aux)
(in install_aux)
(in cmake_aux)
(in register_in_script)
(in bundle_hash)
(in detcheader)
(in bundle_configure)
(in bundle_fetch)
The Ciao Development Team (ciao_builder author)
(ciaocl_parser author)
(ciaocl_help author)
(third_party_custom author)
(ciaoc_aux author)
(lpdoc_aux author)
(car_maker author)
(eng_defs author)
(builder_aux author)
(install_aux author)
(info_installer author)
(register_in_script author)
(bundle_hash author)
(interactive_aux author)
(bundle_configure author)
target_is_bundle/1 (manifest_compiler predicate)
(in manifest_compiler)
target_is_workspace/1 (builder_cmds predicate)
(in builder_cmds)
terms (in manifest_compiler)
(in grade_docs)
(in third_party_install)
(in ciaoc_aux)
(in car_maker)
(in eng_defs)
(in builder_aux)
(in bundle_hash)
(in bundle_fetch)
text_template (in builder_aux)
third_party_aux/3 (builder_aux predicate)
(in builder_aux)
third_party_custom (third_party_custom library)
third_party_custom_install/1 (third_party_custom predicate)
(in third_party_custom)
third_party_custom_path/2 (third_party_custom predicate)
(in third_party_custom)
third_party_install (third_party_install library)
(in builder_cmds)
(in third_party_custom)
(in builder_aux)
third_party_path/2 (third_party_install predicate)
(in third_party_install)
uninstall/1 (third_party_install predicate)
(in third_party_install)
uninstall_bin_dirs/1 (install_aux predicate)
(in install_aux)
uninstall_bundlereg/1 (install_aux predicate)
(in install_aux)
uninstall_cachedir/1 (install_aux predicate)
(in install_aux)
uninstall_doc/3 (install_aux predicate)
(in install_aux)
unregister_from_script/2 (register_in_script predicate)
(in register_in_script)
update_file_from_clauses/3 (builder_aux predicate)
(in builder_aux)
update_file_from_string/3 (builder_aux predicate)
(in builder_aux)
update_stat_config_sh/2 (builder_aux predicate)
(in builder_aux)
vcs_git (in bundle_hash)
vcs_svn (in bundle_hash)
verbose_message/2 (messages_aux predicate)
(in messages_aux)
version_strings (in manifest_compiler)
(in car_maker)
(in bundle_hash)
(in bundle_configure)
workspace (in ciao_builder_refintro)
wr_template/4 (builder_aux predicate)
(in builder_aux)
write (in builder_aux)