Display information about CiaoPP files

Author(s): Isabel Garcia-Contreras.

Stability: [devel] Currently the subject of active development and/or research. Functionality may be limited and API and/or functionality may change without warning or deprecation period. Not recommended yet for use in production.

This program outputs information about CiaoPP files.


ciaopp-dump <action> [<opts>] <files>

where the possible options are:

     Print this information

  show <path>
     Print info of the dump file or registry directory located in <path>.

  cmp <path1> <path2> <domain>
     Compares the analysis results of path1 and path2.
     May be directories or .dump files.

  fmt <filename>[.dump]
     Outputs the analysis result in dot format.

  ctcheck <modulename>.pl <filename>[.dump] <domain>
     Checks assertions agains the analysis in <filename>.dump with <domain>.

  report reach <file>[.dump]
     Deadcode and failure report of a CiaoPP analysis dumped with the
     incremental option, and analyzed with the pp_flag fact_info=on.

  stats [--print-header] <filenames>[.dump]
     Counts simple characteristics of analysis in the files.

     --print-header: prints the names of the characteristics displayed

  syntactic [--print-header] <filenames>[.pl]
     Counts simple syntactic characteristics of the source in the files.

     --print-header: prints the names of the characteristics displayed