?- factorial(X,s(s(s(s(s(s(0))))))).
?- factorial(s(s(s(s(0)))),Y).We can also code it using ISO-Prolog arithmetic, i.e., is/2:
... Z is X * Y ...Note that this type of arithmetic has limitations: it only works in one direction, i.e., X and Y must be bound to arithmetic terms.
But it provides a (large!) performance gain. Also, meta-logical tests (see later) allow using it in more modes.
Try to encode the factorial program using is/2:
:- module(_, _, [assertions]). :- test factorial(A, B) : (A = 0) => (B = 1) + (not_fails, is_det). :- test factorial(A, B) : (A = 1) => (B = 1) + (not_fails, is_det). :- test factorial(A, B) : (A = 2) => (B = 2) + (not_fails, is_det). :- test factorial(A, B) : (A = 3) => (B = 6) + (not_fails, is_det). :- test factorial(A, B) : (A = 4) => (B = 24) + (not_fails, is_det). :- test factorial(A, B) : (A = 5) => (B = 120) + (not_fails, is_det). :- test factorial(A, B) : (A = 0, B = 0) + (fails, is_det). :- test factorial(A, B) : (A = 5, B = 125) + (fails, is_det). :- test factorial(A, B) : (A = -1) + (fails, is_det). %! \begin{hint} % TASK 1 - Rewrite with Prolog arithmetic factorial(0,s(0)). % TODO: Replace s(0) by 1 factorial(M,F) :- % TODO: Make sure that M > 0 M = s(N), % TODO: Compute N from M using is/2 (note that N is factorial(N,F1), % unbound, so you need to compute N from M!) times(M,F1,F). % TODO: Replace times/3 by a call to is/2 (using *) % When you are done, press the circle ("Run tests") or the arrow % ("Load into playground"). %! \end{hint} %! \begin{solution} factorial(0,1). factorial(N,F) :- N > 0, N1 is N-1, factorial(N1,F1), F is F1*N. %! \end{solution}Note that wrong goal order can raise an error (e.g., moving the last call to is/2 before the call to factorial).
Next: Let's try using constraints instead!