The lpdoc Documentation Generator
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Type below to search for where concepts, predicates, modes, properties, types, applications, authors, etc., are defined or referred to in this manual. Use
to show all entries in the index.
.bib files (in Writing)
(in doccfg)
(in comments)
:=/2 (in doccfg)
= /2 (in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
?/2 (in doccfg)
@! command (in comments)
@' command (in comments)
@" command (in comments)
@. command (in comments)
@.. command (in comments)
@= command (in comments)
@? command (in comments)
@AA command (in comments)
@AE command (in comments)
@H command (in comments)
@L command (in comments)
@O command (in comments)
@OE command (in comments)
@^ command (in comments)
@` command (in comments)
@aa command (in comments)
@ae command (in comments)
@apl command (in comments)
@author command (in comments)
@b command (in comments)
@begin{alert} command (in comments)
@begin{cartouche} command (in comments)
@begin{description} command (in comments)
@begin{displaymath} command (in comments)
@begin{enumerate} command (in comments)
@begin{itemize} command (in comments)
@begin{note} command (in comments)
@begin{verbatim} command (in comments)
@bf command (in comments)
@bullet command (in comments)
@c command (in comments)
@cindex command (in comments)
@cite command (in doccfg)
(in comments)
@comment command (in comments)
@concept command (in comments)
@copyright command (in comments)
@d command (in comments)
@decl command (in comments)
@defmathcmd/2 command (in comments)
@defmathcmd/3 command (in comments)
@em command (in comments)
@email command (in comments)
(in comments)
@end{alert} command (in comments)
@end{cartouche} command (in comments)
@end{description} command (in comments)
@end{displaymath} command (in comments)
@end{enumerate} command (in comments)
@end{itemize} command (in comments)
@end{note} command (in comments)
@end{verbatim} command (in comments)
@file command (in comments)
@footnote command (in comments)
@hfill command (in comments)
@href command (in comments)
(in comments)
@i command (in comments)
@image command (in comments)
(in comments)
@include command (in comments)
@includecode command (in comments)
(in comments)
@includedef command (in comments)
@includefact command (in comments)
@includeverbatim command (in comments)
@index command (in comments)
@iso command (in comments)
@item command (in comments)
(in comments)
@j command (in comments)
@key command (in comments)
@l command (in comments)
@lib command (in comments)
@math command (in comments)
@noindent command (in comments)
@o command (in comments)
@oe command (in comments)
@op command (in comments)
@p command (in comments)
@pred command (in comments)
@ref command (in comments)
@result command (in comments)
@section command (in comments)
@sp command (in comments)
@ss command (in comments)
@subsection command (in comments)
@subsubsection command (in comments)
@t command (in comments)
@today command (in comments)
@tt command (in comments)
@u command (in comments)
@v command (in comments)
@var command (in comments)
@version command (in comments)
@~ command (in comments)
^/1 (in doccfg)
^^/1 (in doccfg)
|/2 (in doccfg)
~/1 (in doccfg)
A4 paper (in doccfg)
ALD (in Runnables)
(in Runnables)
(in Runnables)
Active Logic Documents (in Generating)
abstract (in comments)
accents (in comments)
ack=CommentType (in comments)
acknowledgements (in comments)
address (in comments)
(in comments)
address=CommentType (in comments)
alias path (in Writing)
allow_markdown/1 (doccfg predicate)
(in doccfg)
allow_runnable/1 (doccfg predicate)
(in doccfg)
append/3 (in Markdown)
(in Markdown)
appendix (in comments)
appendix=CommentType (in comments)
application (in Writing)
arithmetic (in doccfg)
(in doccfg_props)
(in comments)
(in doccomments)
assertions (in lpdoc_ref_manintro)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in doccfg)
(in doccfg_props)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in doccomments)
assertions/assertions_basic (in doccfg)
(in doccfg_props)
(in comments)
(in doccomments)
atm/1 (in comments)
atom/1 (in doccfg_props)
atomic_basic (in doccfg)
(in doccfg_props)
(in comments)
(in doccomments)
author (in comments)
author indexing (in comments)
author=CommentType (in comments)
autodoc_message_t/1 (in doccfg)
autogen_warning/1 (doccfg predicate)
(in doccfg)
avoiding indentation (in comments)
Bue95 (cite)
(in lpdoc_ref_manintro)
Bue98 (cite)
(in lpdoc_ref_manintro)
Bundle (in Generating)
basic_props (in lpdoc_ref_manintro)
(in doccfg)
(in doccfg_props)
(in comments)
(in doccomments)
basiccontrol (in doccfg)
(in doccfg_props)
(in comments)
(in doccomments)
bibfile/1 (doccfg predicate)
(in Writing)
(in doccfg)
bibliographic citations (in comments)
bibliographic entries (in Writing)
(in doccfg)
bibliographic entry (in comments)
bibtex (in lpdoc_ref_manchanges)
(in doccfg)
(in doccfg)
(in comments)
(in comments)
blank lines (in comments)
bold face (in comments)
bug (in comments)
bug=CommentType (in comments)
bundle (in Generating)
(in Generating)
bundles (in Generating)
CHANGELOG (in Writing)
CLP (in lpdoc_ref_manintro)
Ciao (in lpdoc_ref_manintro)
(in lpdoc_ref_manintro)
(in lpdoc_ref_manintro)
(in lpdoc_ref_manintro)
(in Generating)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in lpdoc_examples)
(in lpdoc_examples)
(in lpdoc_examples)
Ciao Emacs mode (in Generating)
c_itf (in lpdoc_ref_manchanges)
ciao-serve (in Generating)
ciaoc (in lpdoc_ref_manchanges)
(in lpdoc_ref_manchanges)
(in doccfg_props)
comment (in comments)
comment/2 (in lpdoc_ref_manchanges)
comment_version/1 (doccfg predicate)
(in doccfg)
comments (comments library)
(in Writing)
commment/2 (in lpdoc_ref_manchanges)
condcomp (in doccfg)
(in doccfg_props)
(in comments)
(in doccomments)
copyright (in comments)
copyright=CommentType (in comments)
DEDC96 (cite)
(in lpdoc_ref_manintro)
date (in comments)
dcg (in comments)
debugger_support (in doccfg)
(in doccfg_props)
(in comments)
(in doccomments)
description list (in comments)
dirpath/1 (doccfg_props regular type)
(in doccfg)
(in doccfg)
(in doccfg)
(in doccfg_props)
doc/2 (comments declaration)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
doc_compopts/1 (doccfg predicate)
(in Writing)
(in doccfg)
doc_mainopts/1 (doccfg predicate)
(in Writing)
(in doccfg)
(in doccfg)
(in doccfg)
doc_module (in doccfg)
doc_structure/1 (doccfg predicate)
(in lpdoc_ref_manchanges)
(in Writing)
(in doccfg)
(in doccfg)
(in doccfg)
doccfg (doccfg library)
(in Generating)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in comments)
doccfg_props (doccfg_props library)
(in doccfg)
doccomments (doccomments library)
(in Writing)
(in comments)
(in doccomments)
docformat/1 (doccfg predicate)
(in Generating)
(in Generating)
(in Writing)
(in doccfg)
docstring/1 (comments property)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
document structure (in Writing)
documentation configuration (in Generating)
(in Generating)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
documentation strings (in comments)
doinclude=CommentType (in comments)
(in comments)
dvips (in lpdoc_ref_manchanges)
dynamic/1 (in Writing)
Emacs (in Generating)
(in Generating)
(in Generating)
(in Generating)
(in Generating)
(in Generating)
Emacs, LPdoc mode (in Generating)
Emacs, accessing info files (in Generating)
Emacs, generating manuals from (in Generating)
emacs (in lpdoc_ref_manchanges)
(in comments)
(in comments)
emacs Ciao mode (in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
email address (in comments)
(in comments)
email addresses (in lpdoc_ref_manchanges)
(in comments)
emphasis face (in comments)
encapsulated postscript (in comments)
end_of_file/0 (doccfg predicate)
(in doccfg)
ensure_loaded/1 (in lpdoc_ref_manchanges)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in comments)
enumerated list (in comments)
erase/1 (in lpdoc_ref_manchanges)
escape sequences (in comments)
example of lpdoc use (in lpdoc_examples)
example/1 (in lpdoc_ref_manchanges)
exceptions (in doccfg)
(in doccfg_props)
(in comments)
(in doccomments)
factorial_peano_iso (factorial_peano_iso library)
factorial_peano_iso_source (factorial_peano_iso_source library)
filename/1 (doccfg_props regular type)
(in doccfg)
(in doccfg_props)
filepath/1 (doccfg predicate)
(in Writing)
(in doccfg)
filetype/1 (comments regular type)
(in comments)
(in comments)
filetype=CommentType (in comments)
find_file/3 (in lpdoc_ref_manchanges)
fixed format text (in comments)
fixed-width font (in comments)
footnote (in comments)
formatting commands (in lpdoc_ref_manintro)
(in comments)
(in comments)
framed box (in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
fsyntax (in doccfg)
(in doccfg_props)
(in comments)
fun_eval/1 (in doccfg)
fun_return/1 (in doccfg)
GNU general public license (in lpdoc_ref_man)
Generating (Generating library)
generate_html_pointer/5 (in lpdoc_ref_manchanges)
generate_html_pointer/6 (in lpdoc_ref_manchanges)
generating manuals (in Generating)
ghostview (in lpdoc_ref_manchanges)
HTML (in lpdoc_ref_man)
Her00 (cite)
(in lpdoc_ref_manintro)
hide=CommentType (in comments)
(in comments)
html_asset/1 (doccfg predicate)
(in doccfg)
html_layout/1 (doccfg predicate)
(in doccfg)
htmlurl/1 (doccfg predicate)
(in doccfg)
INSTALLATION.lpdoc (in Writing)
image file (in comments)
images, inserting (in comments)
images, scaling (in comments)
include files (in Writing)
(in comments)
include/1 (in Writing)
(in comments)
including a predicate definition (in comments)
including an image (in comments)
including code (in comments)
including files (in comments)
including images (in comments)
including or not authors (in doccfg)
including or not bug info (in doccfg)
including or not changelog (in doccfg)
including or not versions, patches (in doccfg)
indentation, avoiding (in comments)
index/1 (doccfg predicate)
(in Writing)
(in doccfg)
index_comment/1 (in doccfg)
index_comment/2 (doccfg_props predicate)
(in doccfg_props)
info (in lpdoc_ref_man)
(in Generating)
(in Generating)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in comments)
info-look-ciao.el (in Generating)
initial (in doccfg)
(in doccfg_props)
(in comments)
(in doccomments)
inserting images (in lpdoc_ref_manchanges)
int/1 (in doccfg)
internals manual (in lpdoc_ref_manintro)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
introduction (in comments)
is/2 (in factorial_peano_iso)
(in factorial_peano_iso)
(in factorial_peano_iso)
iso/1 (in lpdoc_ref_manchanges)
italics face (in comments)
item in an itemized list (in comments)
itemized list (in comments)
JM94 (cite)
(in lpdoc_ref_manintro)
Jose F. Morales (Generating author)
(Writing author)
(doccomments author)
Knu84 (cite)
(in Writing)
keyboard key (in comments)
LPdoc (in doccomments)
(in Markdown)
(in Runnables)
LaTeX (in comments)
LaTeX notation (in comments)
letter size paper (in doccfg)
library (in Writing)
libtexinfo/1 (doccfg predicate)
(in doccfg)
list/2 (in comments)
(in comments)
literate programming (in Writing)
load_doc_module/1 (doccfg predicate)
(in doccfg)
log of changes (in comments)
logo=CommentType (in comments)
lpdoc (in lpdoc_ref_man)
(in lpdoc_ref_man)
(in lpdoc_ref_man)
(in lpdoc_ref_man)
(in lpdoc_ref_man)
(in lpdoc_ref_man)
(in lpdoc_ref_man)
(in lpdoc_ref_man)
(in lpdoc_ref_man)
(in lpdoc_ref_man)
(in lpdoc_ref_man)
(in lpdoc_ref_manintro)
(in lpdoc_ref_manintro)
(in lpdoc_ref_manintro)
(in lpdoc_ref_manintro)
(in lpdoc_ref_manintro)
(in lpdoc_ref_manintro)
(in lpdoc_ref_manintro)
(in lpdoc_ref_manintro)
(in lpdoc_ref_manintro)
(in lpdoc_ref_manchanges)
(in Generating)
(in Generating)
(in Generating)
(in Generating)
(in Generating)
(in Generating)
(in Generating)
(in Generating)
(in Generating)
(in Generating)
(in Generating)
(in Generating)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in doccfg)
(in doccfg)
(in doccfg)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in lpdoc_examples)
(in lpdoc_examples)
(in lpdoc_examples)
(in lpdoc_examples)
(in lpdoc_examples)
(in lpdoc_examples)
(in lpdoc_examples)
lpdoc_examples (lpdoc_examples library)
Manuel Hermenegildo (Generating author)
(Writing author)
(comments author)
(doccomments author)
(lpdoc_examples author)
Markdown (Markdown library)
machine readable comments (in comments)
main body (in comments)
main/0 (in lpdoc_ref_manchanges)
(in Writing)
main/1 (in Writing)
man (in Generating)
(in Generating)
(in Generating)
manuals generating (in Generating)
manuals, generating from Emacs (in Generating)
manuals, generating from VSC (in Generating)
manuals, generating from the Playground (in Generating)
mark-down (in Writing)
mark-up language (in comments)
markdown (in comments)
meta_predicate/1 (in Writing)
meta_props (in lpdoc_ref_manintro)
module comment (in comments)
module=CommentType (in comments)
native_props (in lpdoc_ref_manintro)
netscape (in lpdoc_ref_manchanges)
new item in description list (in comments)
nodoc=CommentType (in comments)
one-sided printing (in doccfg)
op/3 (in Writing)
option_comment/2 (doccfg_props predicate)
(in doccfg)
(in doccfg)
(in doccfg_props)
output_dir/1 (doccfg predicate)
(in Generating)
(in doccfg)
output_name/1 (doccfg predicate)
(in Generating)
(in Writing)
(in doccfg)
PBH97 (cite)
(in lpdoc_ref_manintro)
PBH98 (cite)
(in lpdoc_ref_manintro)
Playground, generating manuals from (in Generating)
Prolog (in lpdoc_ref_manintro)
(in Writing)
Prolog, Ciao (in Generating)
packages (in Writing)
(in comments)
page numbering, changing (in doccfg)
page size, changing (in doccfg)
page style, changing (in doccfg)
papertype/1 (doccfg predicate)
(in Writing)
(in doccfg)
paragraph break (in comments)
parts in a large document (in Writing)
parts in large documents (in comments)
pdf generation (in lpdoc_ref_manchanges)
pdf viewer (in lpdoc_ref_manchanges)
pillow (in Runnables)
planned improvement (in comments)
pred/1 (in comments)
predname/1 (in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
prelude (in doccfg)
(in doccfg_props)
(in comments)
(in doccomments)
program section (in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
program subsection (in comments)
program subsubsection (in comments)
properties (in lpdoc_ref_manintro)
Runnables (Runnables library)
read (in doccomments)
references (in comments)
regtypes (in lpdoc_ref_manintro)
(in doccfg)
(in doccfg_props)
(in comments)
runnable (in Markdown)
SETTINGS (in lpdoc_ref_manchanges)
(in lpdoc_ref_manchanges)
scribe (in comments)
section (in comments)
section=CommentType (in comments)
sections (in comments)
sharing pieces of text (in comments)
sourcename/1 (in doccfg)
(in doccfg)
space, extra lines (in comments)
spcae, horizontal fill (in comments)
special characters (in comments)
stability (in comments)
stability=CommentType (in comments)
stability_level/1 (comments regular type)
(in comments)
(in comments)
startpage/1 (doccfg predicate)
(in Writing)
(in doccfg)
stream_basic (in doccfg)
string/1 (in doccfg_props)
(in doccfg_props)
stringcommand/1 (comments property)
(in comments)
(in comments)
(in comments)
strings (in comments)
strong face (in comments)
subsection (in comments)
subsection=CommentType (in comments)
subsubsection (in comments)
subsubsection=CommentType (in comments)
subtitle (in comments)
(in comments)
subtitle=CommentType (in comments)
subtitle_extra=CommentType (in comments)
summary=CommentType (in comments)
supported_format/1 (doccfg_props regular type)
(in doccfg)
(in doccfg)
(in doccfg_props)
supported_index/1 (doccfg_props regular type)
(in doccfg)
(in doccfg_props)
supported_option/1 (doccfg_props regular type)
(in doccfg)
(in doccfg)
(in doccfg_props)
(in doccfg_props)
supported_papertype/1 (doccfg_props regular type)
(in doccfg)
(in doccfg_props)
synopsis section of the man page (in doccfg)
syntax of formatting commands (in comments)
syntax_highlight/1 (doccfg predicate)
(in doccfg)
TeX (in lpdoc_ref_manchanges)
The Ciao Development Team (Markdown author)
(Runnables author)
term/1 (in doccfg)
(in doccfg)
(in doccfg)
(in comments)
term_basic (in doccfg)
(in doccfg_props)
(in comments)
(in doccomments)
term_compare (in doccfg)
(in doccfg_props)
(in comments)
(in doccomments)
term_typing (in doccfg)
(in doccfg_props)
(in comments)
(in doccomments)
tex (in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in doccfg)
texinfo (in lpdoc_ref_man)
(in lpdoc_ref_man)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in Writing)
(in doccfg)
texinfo.tex (in doccfg)
textual comments (in comments)
thesis-like style (in doccfg)
time_struct/1 (comments regular type)
title (in comments)
(in comments)
title=CommentType (in comments)
tmplpath/1 (doccfg predicate)
(in doccfg)
tokenize (in doccomments)
troubleshooting (in Writing)
two-sided (in doccfg)
types (in lpdoc_ref_manintro)
typewriter-like font (in comments)
URL (in comments)
(in comments)
Universal Resource Locator (in comments)
(in comments)
Unix (in Generating)
(in Generating)
url references (in lpdoc_ref_manchanges)
urls (in comments)
usage of a command (in comments)
usage of the application (in doccfg)
usage section (in lpdoc_ref_manchanges)
usage tips (in Writing)
(in Writing)
usage=CommentType (in comments)
usage_message/1 (in lpdoc_ref_manchanges)
(in doccfg)
use_module/1 (in Writing)
use_package/1 (in Writing)
(in comments)
using citations (in Writing)
(in doccfg)
VSC (in Generating)
(in Generating)
VSC, generating manuals from (in Generating)
verbatim text (in comments)
verbosity/1 (doccfg predicate)
(in doccfg)
verbosity_t/1 (doccfg_props regular type)
(in doccfg)
(in doccfg)
(in doccfg_props)
version (in comments)
version maintenance mode for packages (in comments)
version number (in comments)
version_descriptor/1 (comments regular type)
(in comments)
(in comments)
version_maintenance=CommentType (in comments)
version_maintenance_type/1 (comments regular type)
(in comments)
(in comments)
version_number/1 (comments regular type)
WWW (in lpdoc_ref_man)
WWW address (in comments)
Writing (Writing library)
warning_level/1 (doccfg predicate)
(in doccfg)
warning_level_t/1 (doccfg_props regular type)
(in doccfg)
(in doccfg_props)
yesno/1 (doccfg_props regular type)
(in doccfg)
(in doccfg)
(in doccfg)
(in doccfg)
(in doccfg)
(in doccfg)
(in doccfg_props)
ymd_date/1 (comments regular type)