Author(s): Daniel Cabeza, Manuel Carro.
Version: 1.11#222 (2004/5/24, 13:8:7 CEST)
Version of last change: 1.5#143 (2000/5/12, 13:54:34 CEST)
This package implements breadth-first execution of predicates. Predicates written with operators
(facts) and
(clauses) are executed using breadth-first search. This may be useful in search problems when a
complete proof procedure is needed. An example of code would be:
- module(chain, _, [bf]). test(bf) :- bfchain(a,d). test(df) :- chain(a,d). % loops! bfchain(X,X) <- . bfchain(X,Y) <- arc(X,Z), bfchain(Z,Y). chain(X,X). chain(X,Y) :- arc(X,Z), chain(Z,Y). arc(a,b). arc(a,d). arc(b,c). arc(c,a).
There is another version, called
, which ensures AND-fairness by goal shuffling. This version correctly says "no
" executing the following test:
:- module(sublistapp, [test/0,sublistapp/2], ['bf/af']). test :- sublistapp([a],[b]). sublistapp(S,L) <- append(_,S,Y), append(Y,_,L). append([], L, L) <- . append([X|Xs], L, [X|Ys]) <- append(Xs, L, Ys).
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