Author(s): The CLIP Group.
Version: 1.11#222 (2004/5/24, 13:8:7 CEST)
Version of last change: 1.11#108 (2003/12/22, 18:3:39 CET)
Through the following examples we will try to illustrate the two mains ways of declaring and using persistent predicates: statically (the preferred method) and dynamically (necessary when the new persistent predicates have to be defined at run-time). The final example is a small application implementing a simple persistent queue.
:- use_package(iso). :- use_package(persdb). %% Declare the directory associated to the key "db" where the %% persistence sets of the persistent predicates are stored: persistent_dir(db,'./'). %% Declare a persistent predicate: :- persistent(bar/1, db). %% Read a term, storing it in a new fact of the persistent predicate %% and list all the current facts of that predicate main:- read(X), assertz_fact(bar(X)), findall(Y,bar(Y),L), write(L). erase_one :- retract_fact(bar(_)). erase_all :- retractall_fact(bar(_)).
:- use_package(iso). :- use_package(persdb). main([X]):- %% Declare the directory associated to the key "db" asserta_fact(persistent_dir(db,'./')), %% Declare the predicate bar/1 as dynamic (and data) at run-time data(bar/1), %% Declare the predicate bar/1 as persistent at run-time make_persistent(bar/1, db), assertz_fact(bar(X)), findall(Y, bar(Y), L), write(L).
:- module(queue, [main/0],[persdb]). :- use_package(iso). :- use_module(library(read)). :- use_module(library(write)). :- use_module(library(aggregates)). persistent_dir(queue_dir,'./pers'). :- persistent(queue/1, queue_dir). queue(first). queue(second). main:- write('Action ( in(Term). | slip(Term) | out. | list. | halt. ): '), read(A), ( handle_action(A) -> main ; write('Unknown command.'), nl, main ). handle_action(end_of_file) :- halt. handle_action(halt) :- halt. handle_action(in(Term)) :- assertz_fact(queue(Term)). handle_action(slip(Term)) :- asserta_fact(queue(Term)). handle_action(out) :- ( retract_fact(queue(Term)) -> write('Out '), write(Term) ; write('FIFO empty.') ), nl. handle_action(list) :- findall(Term,queue(Term),Terms), write('Contents: '), write(Terms), nl.
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