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Labeled graph-processing utilities

Author(s): Francisco Bueno.

Version: 1.11#222 (2004/5/24, 13:8:7 CEST)

Version of last change: 1.11#134 (2003/12/30, 23:45:39 CET)

See the comments for the ugraphs library.

Usage and interface (lgraphs)

Documentation on exports (lgraphs)

REGTYPE: lgraph/2:

Usage: lgraph(Graph, Type)

PREDICATE: vertices_edges_to_lgraph/3:

vertices_edges_to_lgraph(Vertices0, Edges, Graph)

This one is a copy of the same procedure in library(wgraphs) except for the definition of min/3 (ah! - the polimorphism!).

It would only be needed if there are multi-edges, i.e., several edges between the same two vertices.

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