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test_format (library)

Author(s): Isabel Martín García.

Version: 1.11#222 (2004/5/24, 13:8:7 CEST)

Version of last change: 1.9#170 (2003/12/4, 17:39:57 CET)

Most of the predicates exported by this module perform some checks to determine whether the arguments attain some conditions or not. In the second case an exception will be thrown. To catch the exceptions you can use the following metapredicates when invoking chartlib exported predicates:

Both metapredicates are defined in the chartlib_errhandle module that comes with this library. Some of the predicates have a Predicate argument which will be used in case of error to show which chartlib predicate causes the error.

Usage and interface (test_format)

Documentation on exports (test_format)

PREDICATE: equalnumber/3:

equalnumber(X, Y, Predicate)

Test whether the list X and the list Y contain the same number of elements.


PREDICATE: not_empty/4:

not_empty(X, Y, Z, Predicate)

Tests whether at least one the lists X, Y or Z are empty.


PREDICATE: not_empty/3:

not_empty(X, Y, Predicate)

Tests whether the lists X or Y are empty.


PREDICATE: check_sublist/4:

check_sublist(List, Number, Number, Predicate)

Tests if the number of elements in each sublist of List is Number1 or Number2.


PREDICATE: valid_format/4:

valid_format(XVector, YVector, BarsAttributes, Predicate)

Tests the following restrictions:


PREDICATE: vectors_format/4:

vectors_format(XVector, YVectors, LinesAttributes, Predicate)

Tests the following conditions:


PREDICATE: valid_vectors/4:

valid_vectors(XVector, YVectors, LinesAttributes, Predicate)

Tests the following conditions:


PREDICATE: valid_attributes/2:

valid_attributes(BarsAttibuttes, Predicate)

Check if each BarsAttibuttes element is a list composed of one or four elements.


PREDICATE: valid_table/2:

valid_table(ElementTable, Predicate)

All of the ElementTable sublists have the same number of elements and are not empty.


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