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Author(s): Göran Smedbäck.
Version: 1.11#222 (2004/5/24, 13:8:7 CEST)
Version of last change: 1.9#179 (2003/12/4, 19:25:17 CET)
This file implements error predicates of different types.
- Library usage:
:- use_module(library(error)).
- Exports:
- Predicates:
- Other modules used:
- System library modules:
- PREDICATE: error_vrml/1:
Usage: error_vrml(Structure)
- Description: Given a structure with the error type as its head with possible arguments, it will write the associated error-text.
- Call and exit should be compatible with:
is any term.
- The following properties should hold at call time:
is currently a term which is not a free variable.
- PREDICATE: output_error/1:
Usage: output_error(Message)
- Description: This predicate will print the error message given as the argument. This predicate is used for warnings that only needs to be given as information and not necessarily give an error by the VRML browser.
- Call and exit should be compatible with:
is a list of atm
- The following properties should hold at call time:
is currently a term which is not a free variable.
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