Author(s): David Trallero Mena.
Version: 1.11#222 (2004/5/24, 13:8:7 CEST)
Version of last change: 1.0 (2003/10/16, 11:52:43 CEST)
This module have been created to automatizate the test that a predicate should pass hopefully. With that intention we have to provide a set of test and its correct answers. The predicate
will execute every test and compare it with its answer, generating two traces, one with detailed information, and another with the summary of executions of the tests.
Meta-predicate with arguments: run_tester(?,?,pred(0),pred(1),?,pred(1),?,pred(0),?,?)
Usage: run_tester(LogFile, ResultFile, Begin, Test, TestList, Check, CheckList, End, GoodExamples, Slider)
and ResultFile
) for saving the trace and the short result scheme respectevely. Being
and End
are called at the beginning and at the end of the test. Test
is called which each element of TestList
and after, Check
is called with the corresponding element in CheckList
for checking the results of Test
predicate. GoodExample
is ground(int) at the exit and tells the number of examples that passed the test correctly. Slider
can take the values slider(no) or slider(Title) and slider will be shown everytime a new test is called
is a string (a list of character codes).
is a string (a list of character codes).
is a term which represents a goal, i.e., an atom or a structure.
is a term which represents a goal, i.e., an atom or a structure.
is a list.
is a term which represents a goal, i.e., an atom or a structure.
is a list.
is a term which represents a goal, i.e., an atom or a structure.
is a free variable.
is any term.
Two simple examples of the use of the run_tester are provided.
:- module( tester_test2 , _ , _ ). :- use_module( '../tester' ). %:- use_module( library(tester) ). :- use_module( library(lists) ). :- use_module( library(write) ). init_func :- write( 'Starting the test\n' ). tester_func( (X,X,_) ) :- write( 'The argument is correct ' ), write( X ) , nl. checker_func( (_,X,X) ) :- write( 'check is fine\n\n' ). end_func :- write( 'Test ended\n' ). main :- L = [ (1,1,1), % CORRECT (2,2,1), % Test CORRECT , CHECK FALSE (1,2,2) % Test FALSE ], run_tester( 'test.log', 'result.log', init_func , tester_func , L, checker_func, L, end_func, Res, slider( 'Tester2: ' ) ), length( L , LL ), Op is (Res / LL) * 100, message( note , [ 'Analysis result: ' , Op , '%' ] ).
In this example we just want to test if the output of Ciaopp is readable by CIAO.
Tester function succeds if it is able to write the output file.
Checker function succeds if it is able to load the written file.
:- module( tester_test1 , _ , [] ). %:- use_module( library(tester) , [run_tester/10] ). :- use_module( '../tester' , [run_tester/10] ). :- use_module( library(ciaopp) ). :- use_module( library(compiler) ). :- use_module(library(filenames)). :- use_module( library( write ) ). :- use_module( library( lists ) ). init_func. test_files( '/home/dtm/Ciaopp/Benchmarks/ciaopp/modes/' ). tester_func( FileArg ) :- test_files( Path ), atom_concat( Path , FileArg , File0 ), message( note , [ '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n' ] ), (unload( File0 )->true;true), module( File0 ), atom_concat( TFile , '.pl', File0 ), atom_concat( TFile , '' , TestFile ), output( TestFile ). get_module( Path , Module ) :- no_path_file_name( Path , File ), (atom_concat( Module , '.pl' , File ) -> true ; Module = File ). checker_func( FileArg ) :- get_module( FileArg , Module ), (unload( Module )->true;true), atom_concat(RawFile, '.pl' , FileArg ), atom_concat(RawFile, '' , OptFile ), test_files( Path ), atom_concat( Path , OptFile, OptFilePath ), message( note , [ 'Cargando ' , OptFilePath ] ), use_module( OptFilePath ). end_func. main :- L = [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' ], run_tester( 'test.log', 'result.log', init_func , tester_func , L, checker_func, L, end_func, Res, slider( 'Tester1: ' ) ), length( L , LL ), Op is (Res / LL) * 100, message( note , [ 'Analysis result: ' , Op , '%' ] ).
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