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Predicates Available When Using The Make Package

Author(s): Manuel Hermenegildo.

Version: 1.11#222 (2004/5/24, 13:8:7 CEST)

Version of last change: 1.11#129 (2003/12/30, 22:8:24 CET)

This is the run-time module which implements the predicates which are provided when using the make library package in a given application. For example, they are used internally by lpmake.

Usage and interface (make_rt)

Documentation on exports (make_rt)

PREDICATE: make/1:

Usage: make(TargetList)

REGTYPE: target/1:

Usage: target(T)

PREDICATE: make_option/1:

The predicate is of type data.

Usage: make_option(Option)

PREDICATE: verbose_message/2:

Usage: verbose_message(Text, ArgList)

PREDICATE: call_unknown/1:


This is a local copy, to make package independent. Complication is so that flags are left as they were also upon failure.

PREDICATE: dyn_load_cfg_module_into_make/1:

Usage: dyn_load_cfg_module_into_make(ConfigFile)

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