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Terms with named arguments -records/feature terms

Author(s): Daniel Cabeza and Manuel Hermenegildo.

Version: 1.11#222 (2004/5/24, 13:8:7 CEST)

Version of last change: 1.7#118 (2001/8/28, 15:7:22 CEST)

This library package provides syntax which allows accessing term arguments by name (these terms are sometimes also referred to as records, and are also similar to feature terms [AKPS92]).

Usage and interface (argnames)

Documentation on new declarations (argnames)

DECLARATION: argnames/1:

Usage: :- argnames(ArgNamedPredSpec).

Other information (argnames)

Two simple examples of the use of the argnames library package follow.

Using argument names in a toy database

:- module(simple_db,_,[argnames,assertions,regtypes]).
:- use_module(library(aggregates)).

:- comment(title,"A simple database application using argument names").

:- data
product( id,    description,    brand,          quantity        ).
%       ----------------------------------------------------------
product(  1,    "Keyboard",     "Logitech",     6               ).
product(  2,    "Mouse",        "Logitech",     5               ).
product(  3,    "Monitor",      "Philips",      3               ).
product(  4,    "Laptop",       "Dell",         4               ).

:- pred product${/} :: int * string * string * int.

% Compute the stock of products from a given brand.
% Note call to findall is equivalent to: findall(Q,product(_,_,Brand,Q),L).
brand_stock(Brand,Stock) :-

sumlist([X|T],S) :- 
        S is X + S1.

Complete code for the zebra example

:- module(_,zebra/3,[argnames]).

/*     There are five consecutive houses, each of a different
color and inhabited by men of different nationalities. They each
own a different pet, have a different favorite drink, and drive a
different car.

1.   The Englishman lives in the red house.
2.   The Spaniard owns the dog.
3.   Coffee is drunk in the green house.
4.   The Ukrainian drinks tea.
5.   The green house is immediately to the right of the ivory
6.   The Porsche driver owns snails.
7.   The Masserati is driven by the man who lives in the yellow
8.   Milk is drunk in the middle house.
9.   The Norwegian lives in the first house on the left.
10.  The man who drives a Saab lives in the house next to the man
     with the fox.
11.  The Masserati is driven by the man in the house next to the
     house where the horse is kept.
12.  The Honda driver drinks orange juice.
13.  The Japanese drives a Jaguar.
14.  The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.

The problem is: Who owns the Zebra?  Who drinks water?

:- argnames house(color, nation, pet, drink, car).

zebra(Owns_zebra, Drinks_water, Street) :-
        Street = [house${},house${},house${},house${},house${}],
        member(house${nation => Owns_zebra, pet => zebra}, Street),
        member(house${nation => Drinks_water, drink => water}, Street),
        member(house${nation => englishman, color => red}, Street),
        member(house${nation => spaniard, pet => dog}, Street),
        member(house${drink => coffee, color => green}, Street),
        member(house${nation => ukrainian, drink => tea}, Street),
        left_right(house${color => ivory}, house${color => green}, Street),
        member(house${car => porsche, pet => snails}, Street),
        member(house${car => masserati, color => yellow}, Street),
        Street = [_, _, house${drink => milk}, _, _],
        Street = [house${nation => norwegian}|_],
        next_to(house${car => saab}, house${pet => fox}, Street),
        next_to(house${car => masserati}, house${pet => horse}, Street),
        member(house${car => honda, drink => orange_juice}, Street),
        member(house${nation => japanese, car => jaguar}, Street),
        next_to(house${nation => norwegian}, house${color => blue}, Street).

member(X,[_|Y]) :- member(X,Y).

left_right(L,R,[_|T]) :- left_right(L,R,T).

next_to(X,Y,L) :- left_right(X,Y,L).
next_to(X,Y,L) :- left_right(Y,X,L).

Known bugs and planned improvements (argnames)

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