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Extra-logical properties for typing

Author(s): Daniel Cabeza, Manuel Hermenegildo.

Version: 1.5#118 (2000/4/19, 18:13:43 CEST)

Version of last change: 0.7#8 (1998/9/23, 19:21:44 MEST)

This library contains traditional Prolog predicates for testing types. They depend on the state of instantiation of their arguments, thus being of extra-logical nature.

Usage and interface (term_typing)

Documentation on exports (term_typing)

PROPERTY: var/1:

Usage 1: var(X)

Usage 2: var(X)

PROPERTY: nonvar/1:

Usage 1: nonvar(T)

Usage 2: nonvar(T)

PROPERTY: atom/1:

Usage 1: atom(X)

Usage 2: atom(X)

PROPERTY: integer/1:

Usage 1: integer(X)

Usage 2: integer(X)

PROPERTY: float/1:

Usage 1: float(X)

Usage 2: float(X)

PROPERTY: number/1:

Usage 1: number(X)

Usage 2: number(X)

PROPERTY: atomic/1:

Usage 1: atomic(X)

Usage 2: atomic(X)

PROPERTY: ground/1:

Usage 1: ground(X)

Usage 2: ground(X)

PROPERTY: type/2:

Usage 1: type(X,Y)

Usage 2: type(X,Y)

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